About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 11, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Puddles The Clown

Found out from an alert viewer that these windows were options for any VW bus in the front and back.



Any of you Progressives want to explain that to me?

Horses are nature's most beautiful chairs.


Who let the dogs out?

Sir Nicolas Winton, the man who saved 669 Jewish kids from execution, gets an emotional surprise 40 years later. 

An incredible image of Swaroup Anand, 23, who was awake during cardiac surgery performed at the Bangalore Fortis Hospital, India.
Doctors chose to numb his body with an epidural to the neck rather than send him to sleep with general anesthesia. The patient stares out at the camera, his fragile heart exposed during life-saving surgery!

Mia Sara
Remember her in Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
This is her today.


Kelsey Plum, number 1 pick in the WNBA, throws a T-shirt like a girl.

Graphic made it look like she flew commercial airliners. She does not.

If it's 0 degrees today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?
(I really do want an answer to that.)


Watch a video of things going wrong with wind turbines. One is how they bring down birds.

The blades didn't hit this bird. It was just knocked down by the turbulence.

Half a million penguins...

Watched a very interesting movie from Thailand. This is the title listed below the movie when it is playing.

I chose it because of the awards.

It features people never before or after appearing in film.
Very sad.


Probably cost an arm and a leg.





When I get my own dragon, the first thing I'm going to attack is a Renaissance Fair.



- It died last week but I still use some of the parts.
- She blew a tranny last Saturday at the races but Ted and I worked her over all Sunday afternoon and she's purring like a kitten now.
- I wish it didn't have a stick
- The Interior has never been the same since the kids.
- It's a tight squeeze but you can fit 5 fully grown men in her.
- It's a Rental.



Something my wife would say...

It may be the best of times or the worst of times, but it's the only time we have.


This is an example of someone spoiling the environment.

This is another example of someone spoiling an environment.

If you insist on writing on walls, then at least try to make a statement.

Artist made a plaster cast of this girl's body.

Then he painted it and placed it appropriately.

What a marvelous photograph!
Notice that the pipe actually get smaller as you move up the photo.

If scientist are right, you might want to develop a taste for squid and jellyfish, because that's going to be all that's left.


Guy found the The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.


What do you think his initial plan was?

The weakest argument you can make.
If we learned anything from the Nazis it is that large numbers of people agreeing don't mean shit when it comes to right and wrong. 

When I was having trouble with my inner ear, this would have been a nightmare.
Just driving through forests would trickered an attack as the shadows on the highway past under my truck. 

The guy has that snarl on his face.

When your mom steals you the wrong size shoes.

When you ignore the Do Not Feed Monkeys sign.
Just like the gypsy woman warned!

Whenever you see this...

Dropped my beer and it exploded all over me. Fortunately I was in the shower at the time.


Then there's this counter point

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