About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 8, 2017

MONDAY #3060

One Of My Very Own...

Vladimir Putin – Blueberry Hill

"My measure eliminates double standards by preventing members of congress from exempting themselves from American Healthcare Act."

Well, not so fast...
Democrats did the exact some thing under Obamacare so don't pull that party line crap.

The guy made a joke. Jokes offend. Get the fuck over it.


Random pictures from Venezuelan unrest.
That woman's husband has been held since 2014 as a political prisoner. She wears his face and her shirt.

Do you see that liquid pouring out of that bottle?

Women seemed to have taken the lead of this movement.

France passes a law that all fashion models must to prove that they have a body mass index that is healthy.
The voice of sanity.


Took our dog to the vet today and, once again, she "forgot" her wallet.


A tank collector in the United Kingdom was in for a surprise when he and his mechanic opened one of his tank's diesel fuel tanks.
Inside were gold bars totaling approximately $2.4 million dollars. Mead found the tank, an ex-Iraqi Army Type 69, on sale on eBay and traded it for an Abbot self-propelled howitzer and a British Army truck. The gold is thought to be Kuwaiti in origin—Iraqi forces engaged in wide scale looting of the country after the August 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

Tongue-and-groove tree felling
This allows you to aim the landing spot very precisely. You might want to YouTube it.

Leg transplant, 3rd century
Said to be true, anyway.

A chicken run...
As I understand it, each chicken needs 2 square feet or they get stressed out. I guess this solves the problem.

"Super-silk" produced by graphene-fed caterpillars
From Scientific American:
To make carbon-reinforced silk, the worms were fed mulberry leaves sprayed with aqueous solutions containing 0.2% by weight of either carbon nanotubes or graphene and then collected the silk after the worms spun their cocoons, as is done in standard silk production.

How the vibration of the phone affects the ants...


Beautiful graphic of every probe sent into the solar system


There is a cheap little tool for that, but I guess a dildo works just as well.

Traveling near the speed of light....

A vegan walks into a bar and doesn't say anything because the person who has never seen Star Wars is going on about never seeing Star Wars.


The company people love to hate.

One of a very, very few cat posts you will find here...


Yet we love him most.


How to lose your goalie job in 4...3...2...



On an image site I visit from time to time...
What could the demand be? And who in their right mind would click on that ad?

This summer, camp counselors all over the country will shine flashlights under their chins and read the headlines.


No competition. No winners or losers. Everybody gets a ribbon.

Well, the aftermath of such an experiment is upon us. Something goes wrong in your life...
Cause it can't possibly be your fault.
Can't bare to hear opinions that you don't share?

Anyone who jokes about something you don't agree with must be punished!

It is our RIGHT for others to bend to our will, because...because...that's the way I demand it.

Then there is the run of the mill stupid...

The drug induced stupid...

And the might makes right stupid.

But, in my humble opinion, the voo-doo magic crap stupid is the worse.

Said no one, ever.

This special kind of stupidity has no sound arguments, so they turn to crap like this...

If you're having a shit day, know this: my local zoo has an alpaca named Alpacino. 


This person is a hero to the world.



"War is young men dying and old men talking." - FDR

Then there's this guy...

Wait for it...
It's still possible he's on a bluetooth headset talking on the phone to his Italian relatives.


Is "asking for a friend" just a way people can nonchalantly ask a question while making it seem like someone else asked? 
Asking for a friend.


Jesus Christ? Is that an alien invasion?
For those who are curious that is(was) a Polychaeta.

Corpses at Devil’s Den after the battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania, 1863.


Normal child's skull (with some overlying bone dissected away) to show the relationship of the baby teeth to the unemerged adult teeth.

This handsome young lad is one of my most favorite people in the entire world.
He has his whole life ahead of him and I wish him only the best.

Basketball court adapted to available space.
You do what you gotta do.


And lest this die from idleness...
God I love that clip.

Boss: "Do you know why I called you in here?"
Me: "To see if I can read minds?"


I think you can click this to embiggenize.

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