About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


Dover, England - Banksy

Unlike the UK or the US, France has a different electoral system. On the 23rd of April, we had 11 candidates to the presidency.

“France just elected a sane person as president by using the “Whoever Gets the Most Votes Actually Wins” system. We should try that.” 


If true, that disgust me.

It's about fucking time.

It's not 'easter', it's 'more east'. So stupid.


Somebody (usually a man) sits in his studio and just decides what you will have to buy in the coming months. These fashion changes are on a carefully planned schedule to keep you updating your wardrobe, but in not too long or too short intervals. Too long and they lose money and too short and you might just balk.

Most fashion is culturally derived and past down from generation to generation.

Some of them may appear downright freaky you you and I, but they serve a real purpose in their respective societies.

I lean toward individuals being rewarded for NOT following the rules set forth by the people who want to sell those same tweaks to your wardrobe.

I still have confidence that tattoos may liberate men and women into taking personal responsibility for their own adornment.

And now that razor and shaver companies have had their way with you mind, many people think this woman is no longer beautiful because her body is not adequately defoliated.
And that's insulting.

Me: It's going to be a great day!
Life: Yeah, about that...


I picked these images out very carefully. I think each of them have something special about them.

Few of those images are what I would classify as artistically composed. These next three being the exception.
The texture of the bricks and cobblestone...wow.

Damn near the perfect photograph.

This one is not so much about the image as the documentation.

I've seen naked women adorned with edible food before, but not with Sal Dali.

This one seems to be a take off on that theme.

I like my eggs like I like my nose: runny. Wait. That's not right. I like my eggs like I like my tigers: poached.


I've never seen a mini-bus with front windows like that. Probably just the camper model.

A fan with heating elements as blades.

Oh, and by the way, god wrote that.

Notice the wheel marks. Are they leading upon the wooden road way created by this RR?

Swiss and French winegrowers struggle for days against the night frost, which in the last few days has hit half Europe.

Anybody know anything about this?

Celebrating Easter by looking like I've been dead in a cave for the last 3 days.












My wife folds her laundry just like everyone else. About 3 weeks after the dryer buzzes.


This reminded me of the walkways and parking area I installed years ago.
I didn't prepare the ground at all. I just placed the bricks on top of the grass and in about three weeks it was a smooth as a baby's butt.

The Milky Way, the Moon, a meteor, and a volcano - Mike Mezeul

Is there anyone in the world who could keep themselves from swinging in that?

How could he not fall to his knees and hug his child tightly?
It hit in the EXACT same spot the child started from.

Another episode of me wondering the exact phrases used by the photographer in order to get that model to do that.
I bet her face has a lip curled.

Now THAT is a healthy foot.

Optical Illusions That Use the Space Between Posed Humans to Promote Pet Adoption

Burger King needs a new slogan. Something like "we clean our bathrooms sometimes."


Murals by Tabby

Our kids compared to "their" kids.

How dey do dat?

My beloved aerial views...

Looked very much like Legos didn't it.


What idiot called them swordfish instead of... oh, no, wait, actually that's pretty good.


Oh, I love America as much as the next citizen, but I'm not blind to its...."problems."

We seem to be much better at killing people than helping them. One creates generations of enemies; the other friends and allies. 

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