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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


"The Hundred Year Old Man Who Skipped Out On His Bill And Disappeared." I recommend this movie...quirky as hell. If you start it, you better pay attention.

You millennials and your obsession with public healthcare. Back in my day we just died and didn't whine about it.


November 25, 1941: British sailors jumping from the hull of HMS Barham
Barham was the largest battleship sunk in WWII by a U-boat--863 men were killed, 487 survived. Dramatic Newsreel footage captured the sinking of the Queen Elizabeth Battleship. A salvo of torpedoes from a German submarine struck from close range on HMS Barham on November 25, 1941 in the Mediterranean. Within four minutes, the battleship had listed over to Port and the ships magazines had exploded, sinking the battleship and killing 863 men. The terrifying explosion was caught on film by Pathe cameraman John Turner who was on an adjacent ship.


U.S. Army's new handgun Sig Sauer P320
It can be adapted to shoot 9mm, .357 SIG and .40 S&W ammunition.

Cavalry cuirass shot through by a cannonball.

I just learned that Mark Wahlberg was Marky Mark. It was scary to watch the videos.

Paddleboat powered by horses on a treadmill
America during the early to mid-1800s. This particular one is of a so-call "turn-table" type, which allowed the horse (or mule) to remain relatively stationary, which saved on space.

This is being developed for possible use as a treatment for premature (human) babies.

And it worked!

It is made to slow down drain water.

Bishop's Knife Trick


I know I've shown you this before, but I still find it fascinating.

Always follow your passion. And if your passion doesn't fit into global capitalism, well, then you are a failure at life.


When you're a moderate on the internet and both progressives and conservatives are attacking you.

It is a well-known fact that people who are always angry and continually look for things to be angry about have...very tiny penises. It's true. I looked it up on WebMD. Women who exhibit the same traits have what the scientific community calls WOVJJ...Wide Open Va Jay Jays. You know the type. You get your penis and balls in there and still have to do those hip gyrations to feel it bounce off the walls. So, some of your people need to lighten the fuck up before your secret is out.

Can you find the snake within 30 seconds?



Russian man gets stuck in 600-foot high missile silo.

Ran into a site with some real shit posts...

Expect the unexpected.

Landing a shuttle on a speeding plane must have taken more courage and know-how than anything attempted by NASA in the last few decades. Imagine hitting a speeding bullet with a bow and arrow. Extraordinary!




"We need this run to take the lead..." "Alright lets do this...Leeeeroooyyy Jennnnnkins!!!"


The snake is smack dab in the middle! I would probably be bitten.

The first year of our small town's first movie theater, the birth rate dropped 37%. I think it was because inside the theater, hand jobs were okay, but real fucking was out of the question.


A new style of architecture in Bolivia, inspired by the indigenous Aymara culture.

The artists and the actors who played them.

And my favorite...

These are Jackson Pollock's shoes.

Did you notice how the tops of the chairs fit into the table trim?

People tend to concentrate on the world around, instead of the world inside them.


How could they get so many smoke bombs into the arena?

90 minutes earlier...

This guy has some plans for this weekend...

Said to be a brown snake and one of Australia's most venomous.

Why? Why don't you start your own damn exploitation fun house?

If 97% of scientists think that a huge astroid is going to strike Washington, but 3% think all the data is incorrect. Quick, what do you do?
Americans: Blame it on a Chinese conspiracy.

Nordstrom Is Selling Jeans Smeared With Fake Mud On Them
Reminds me of my old pottery days.
Especially these...

I'm so very glad we are over that shit.

Guy finds garbage bags dumped on his farm. Opens bags to reveal dildo dumper's address...

And returned the favor...

ALWAYS be courteous to servers.



Quit resisting!

Someone Has Developed A Robot That's Programmed Specifically For Blowjobs


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