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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 12, 2017

MONDAY #3095

One Of My Very Own...


As I understand it, there are quite a few of these either built or being built. I'm pretty sure they are shallow water craft and can't figure out what their mission will be.


Goodbye old friend.

First, they came for the people who loaded the dishwasher incorrectly & I did not speak out.


I was told he was sitting in a ground blind hunting hogs in Georgia.  Snake just popped it's head in.....9.5 feet long, fangs are 2.5 inches long, head is 5.5 inches wide, 22 rattles.

And this from Tifton, Georgia.
Damn, Georgia!

Don't know where this is from.

I'm thinking there is a female in there somewhere.

Brave kid.
In that apocalypse book I wrote, wild dogs were a huge problem.


Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Winners

Oh hell no.

Who knew they could even do that.

Releasing baby turtles
I'm assuming they have to space them out so one school of fish can't eat them all at once.


I once asked an airline stewardess if I could move to another seat away from the crying baby and she told me no, because nobody else wanted to sit beside my screaming baby.


This is an AIM 26 (Air Intercept Missile) with a nuclear warhead.
You can hook five or six of those trailers together and they track one another; meaning you could have a 100 foot "train" and turn a 90 degree corner.
The AIM26 was designed to be fired from the first super-sonic fighter, the F102 Delta Dagger.

The red stripes in the middle are proximity fuses.

The missile did not explode on contact, but rather when it sensed that it was along side the enemy formation.
That one nuke tipped bastard could take out every aircraft in an approaching formation.
Of course, the Soviets had them too, and that, Gentle Reader, is why we never went to war.


The thumbnail goes like this: geochemical energy (water-rock reactions on the early Earth) gave rise to chemoautotrophs that harvested this energy, which evolved (thanks, in part, to viruses, which serve lots of functions, including gene-transfers) into photosynthetic bacteria that could make use of the Sun's energy. These critters shat out the oxygen that eventually killed most of them, but created the rich, reactive environment that let air-breathers harvest orders of magnitude more energy from glucose molecules. These meaty animals could, in turn, be eaten by other animals, who could, in a gobble, receive the benefit of a lifetime of careful consumption and metabolizing. Then one animal (us) invented fire, which let us liberate much more energy again from the flesh, and voila, abundant life.


XRS-2200 Linear Aerospike Engine


Cameras today are amazing.

These people are standing atop that beak-like structure.


I sure hope this is true.
I will bet any amount of money that it was contaminated here on earth.
Each year in America thousands of innocent children are wrongfully accused of have potential.


What a way to strike out.
Ladies, if you don't understand that, ask your husband. The batter actually was deemed to have swung at the pitch.


How to not handle a machine gun.
He would have been shot but the other side was too busy laughing.


Fix it your own damned self...


Quick, while all the vegans are at Whole Foods, let's post some meat porn.




A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.


Worn Steps, Wells Cathedral

Rare photo of cousin Itt.

Big city people against rural folk.
This is no way to organize a political system. 




I'm having mixed thoughts about importing people who hate us.

One Man's Theory On Why Neanderthals Went Extinct.
Very short, but very entertaining clip:

MDR is French slang for “Mort De Rire” which literally translates to Death of Laugh and it’s used as we would use LOL.


This is how many generations there was between the first man and, oh, two thousand years ago.
Or so they say.

Here's another look.
It's so....scientific.

And people STILL don't understand why I oppose religion, especially the teaching of that hog wash to children.


Anonymous said...

*Commissioning Ceremony of USS Gabrielle Giffords" - A Navy ship without guns!

Anonymous said...

Wild dogs would be eaten not a problem

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