About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

SUNDAY #3094

One Of My Very Own...


WAR MACHINE, Netflix movie. Watch it.


One time I saw a guy holding up a sign that said “I love you Stevie” at a Stevie Wonder concert. I think about that a lot.

Love. It needs love.

Serious relationship goals right here...



I'm not sure what I'm supposed to learn from this...

You go, Colonel.

The world should never forget its real heroes. 

Here are two more.

"Ricky John Best (left) city employee, veteran, father.
Taliesin Namkai-Meche (right) newly graduated with a degree in economics, wonderfully enthusiastic as said by friends and family.
Both died heroes and will at the very least to me, represent the good in this world. 
The racist murderer who's name I care not to know was threatening two young Muslim women when these men stepped in and had there lives taken from them. May their spirits and actions live eternal."

What I say: "Agree to disagree."
What I really mean: "You are dumb and I don't deem you worthy of correcting."


Chic-fil-a is on a whole different level.

You think the bird stored them there, or is it just taking advantage of another's labor?

How I wish I could get in there and check out the joinery and such.



Dronesurfer delivers ball. 

Shockwave, visible on slo-mo

And this mach shock wave...


No information came with these images.

Anybody care to explain them to me?

I take so many naps during the day it's like I'm already dead. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.


We all have heard about the immense damage done to US forces at Pearl Harbor.

A documentary I just watched pointed out that the Japanese made two huge mistakes.
First the dry docks were undamaged. Dry docks allowed the US to repair the many damaged ships. 
Had they destroyed the dry docks, we would be left without a navy.
Secondly, they ignored the fuel storage tanks.
And, of course, without fuel our remaining ships, including the air craft carriers would be unable to sail.


I was telling a story to some young friends and found out that none of them knew what I mean by "the back of the back seat" or "rear window landing."
As a matter of fact I had to enter several different phrases to even find an image in Google.

No matter how rich or famous you become, when you die, the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the weather.


One of the amazing advantages of rain is that it's creating oil paintings itself...Shot in Rome through bus' window.

I'm thinking she used found objects.

Failure is always an option.



Back in the day, our fidget spinners could kill you.


All things Ralph...

"The power of Benjamin-Moore compels you!"


That's bad form, dude.


Here's my response to fast food giants.

The strongest human temptation is to settle for too little.


And yet there are still people who think texting isn't distracting.

It took far too long to correct this death trap problem.

I'm not sure I like the word "dreams" in this context. I prefer ambitions.

Let's hear it for the organic food producers.
I had some free range pork and it had a completely different taste than factory farm pork. I mean that in a good way.

My question is, why was the last tiger left unprotected?

Of course, the story may be fake.

Another look at my favorite tribal dancer.
I refuse to let this magnificent bastard be forgotten...

You would think when you reach a certain age things would start to makes sense.


Do you think the federal government really needs to "manage" that much of our land? Oh, I understand Yosemite and such, but that's nearly half the damn country. Who thought this would be a good idea?

1 comment:

smk762 said...

Hiya Ralph.

After the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and others like it, do you find it suspicious that the act that led to US entry into WW2 was so superficial, causing no damage to drydocks or fuel storage?

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