About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 31, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Weightless by Marconi Union


Many of us have asked how in hell this could happen so often. Well, I have the answer.
Naval ships, designed to avoid detection by enemy fleets and aircraft, are exempt from an international requirement that vessels automatically and continuously broadcast their position, course and speed. They tend to have fewer lights than many commercial vessels, making them harder to pick out. They are painted gray to blend into the sea during wartime but become even more difficult to spot at night. And a growing number of modern naval vessels, including the John S. McCain, are designed to scatter incoming radar signals, so that they are less detectable.

In times like these, race just doesn't matter.

But not all the news is good.
Just something else for those poor bastards to worry about.

Do you trust this man to do the prudent thing in handling the North Korean problem?
I don't either.

I like to pee in the shower even when I'm not taking a shower.


This should be all children's memories of interaction with law enforcement.

This goes against a species imperative...protecting your offspring.
Life cycle of damaged people...

Must make them feel very powerful.

I would pay good money to see her do that naked.

I don't even know exactly what he's doing...
But I do know I don't want to do it.
Him smoking a cigarette seems very understandable.

Watch carefully or you'll miss it.

I wouldn't even be mad.


What he thinks...

The real reason they are protesting...
What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Calf cramp
Just another reason not to have muscles.

You really need to read up on this guy.

Fun fact: "Al Khwariszmi" is the origin of the word "algorithm".

Young people at my bar pronounced Nice, France like the english word nice. I corrected them and was told they didn't even know where it was. I told them they should know that and was rebuffed about such knowledge was useless.
They would have no idea why this is clever.
The whole Ottoman army was approaching Vlad's castle and he was greatly outnumbered. Here's what he did:
1. He burned EVERYTHING between himself and the enemy army. Poisoned the wells and burned whole cities so the army could forage nothing to eat or drink.
2. He had his troops set up thousands of every kind of booby traps to slow them down.
3. He took all the plague victims and other sick and insane people and pushed them out to confront the army in the confines of a dense forest.
4. All of his captured enemies from his last engagement and every criminal in his kingdom were impaled on thousands spikes...a forest of spikes...men, women and children.
Seeing this, the Ottoman Army turned and went home.

The resemblance is uncanny.

You have to respect people who know what they are doing.

Here are some more with a surprise or two.
His expression...I've seen it a thousand times at tittie bars.

This man is shotgunning soup!

TV news reporter problems...

I don't really know why some images do this
I assume I'm not allowed to use it.


The worst part about my wife's parallel parking is the witnesses.


My old friend strange juxtaposition.
That's in Canada.

What it's really like to live in Canada.

Cargo Cults in Melanesia

An indigenous tribe built this scale model of a plane out of dried grasses and presumably spent countless grueling hours clearing the woodland around it to make a runway for a plane that can't fly? 

They could not speak the language of their visitors but they observed their strange customs: parading with sticks (rifles) for hours, saluting, and most importantly how they received cargo drops which granted them goods which the Melanesians didn't believe could've been made by man! And all they had to do was write on paper!

They immediately set about imitating these practices in an effort to please the God that had the decency to drop Jeeps and rations. Some believed his name was John Frum. They even rejected Christianity in favor of their cargo deity. Some continue to this day.

The red bits indicate photos taken by tourists, while the blue bits indicate photos taken by locals and the yellow bits might be either. Also there is lot's of zoom to enjoy.



2,300-year-old Roman road in Italy.
That gives me chill bumps.

Disney Funded Project is an innovative study understanding of elephant behavior to reduce damage from elephants.
A fence of bees...problem solving at its finest.

I think the word "Behold" in the bible would be replaced with "Look buddy."


A fence made out of old doors.
I made dressing rooms in my wife's stores just like that.

Want to guess what this man is making?
Wine corks.
As I understand it, the synthetic ones are just as good and much, much cheaper.

There's somethin' happenin' here. What it is ain't exactly clear.
It's a “huge spiral cut out of aluminum” by Chaz Capobianco - it's what you get when you iron a Slinky.

Is Wouldiwas Shookspeared the past tense of William Shakespeare?
(who thinks up this shit?)


If I'm not mistaken, they measured this by internet searches. But why search for it when you can throw a dead cat without hitting images of women's breasts.
That would be so much more interesting if they were doing it with their nostrils.

Back when this cartoonist at least tried to be funny.

The police claim they found 0.02 ounces of weed.

But it could be worse.
Here's the full fascinating story.

What I found most perplexing was that she was 18 before this malady was discovered. Think about that for a moment.

There's a "Heavens no" and a "Hell yes." Think about that.






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as a young kid trying to find my way out of pentecostalism, Antichrist superstar was a super influential album for me.

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