About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


One Of My Very Own...
I think that hilarious even though I did indicate the little who spoke lines.



Mayweather, now 51-0 if you include the time he beat his wife.

I'm actually sorry I showed images of Texas looting. They are but a few dozen, whereas helpers number in the thousands.
Including the Mexican Army Helping Houston.

Three 20 patient ambulances evacuating a hospital.

Using flood water to keep the flood water out.

And not just humans need to be rescued.

This is the most Texas photo I've ever seen.

Then there is this prick.

Televangelist Joel Osteen is a televangelist who runs the "Christian" Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. During the Hurricane Harvey disaster, he closed his MEGA church's doors to people who were coming there for storm shelter relief.
And his church is high and dry.

Moving on...
Some GoT chuckles

And that shit in Venezuela is tragic.
The fat cats are eating quite well, however.

I hate to say it, but I don't see any way of dealing with this short of military strikes.
God help us.

I can't believe I have to start thinking about the unthinkable again.
I'm too old for this shit. Fear of being evaporated by a thermonuclear weapon is for young people.

Reasons why I curse so much is because fuck you, that's why.


Saw this in an awful movie.
I say that every time my crew and I step out of the truck at a mural site. Five minutes later I have it all planned.

I like movies. 
I've worked on the sets of a couple of movies and not once did anyone ask me how much I would charge prior to start. The only question was could it be done by such and such time on a given day.

Nothing solves problems like figuring out ways not to die.

Evasive flare maneuver. 
You practice that shit every day because your job..your JOB is to kill people before they kill you.
And oh what lengths we will go.

Ennui avoidance
Man invented sports very early on. The first games probably centered around weapon usage or brute strength.
Then they became more daring.

But by the middle of the 21st century, all the good ideas were taken.

A peripheral problem of sporting events is managing the great number spectators.
A Crowd of People Leaving Wembley Stadium
But what is that on the right center?

The Tool Maker

Easy way to remove stuck or rusted bolts.

But not all repairs go as smoothly.
"I'm okay......oh, wait, no I'm not.

Food Acquisition

Great white shark leaps out of the water to steal a fish off of a Cape Cod fisherman’s line.
Hunger is a powerful innovation motivator.
It also helps cleanse the gene pool of retarded people.

These wolf decoys are used to keep geese away.
I bet cavemen learned that draping a rock with a fur would keep pest animals away from their crops.

When you are too poor for instruments.

Man locked his keys in his car.
I guy used that same trick to unlock my door, but he used a crow bar and just jimmied it out far enough to get a coat hanger in. The coat hanger was bend into a hook and the end was snipped pointed to grip the door lock.

What the fuck would they do if he got caught smoking weed? Burn the fucking house down.

Yes there was one single man or woman who first figured out you could drink your own urine.

(From a loyal viewer)

"My sister in law adopted two foster children (twins), who were the unfortunate consequence of the father beating and kicking the woman's abdomen when she was pregnant. One child was born quite normal. The second twin was born with half a brain as a result of the beatings. Now they are 4 years old, and it is extremely difficult for a passerby to distinguish between the two children from their behaviors and intelligence. The brain is an amazing thing. "


Lady just asked me what "mansplaining" is. I think it's a trap. We've been staring at each other in silence for half an hour.


In places like this there is a limitless supply of sports, arts, music and anything else of which you can think.

Yet many of those people have a need to do this from time to time.
All the discomfort and labor, but they think that it fills a void in their lives. These same people would never, ever think of living in the county.

And then there's this...

A very smart person I know once told me that the shit hit the fan when men decided that they could own a piece of the earth, do what they wanted to do with it, and not let anyone set foot on it. Then give it to their son, which when you think about it, really screwed women.

And remember, camping is about the only time is it perfectly okay to lock you kid up.

Just another Wednesday in India

The cow wandering around aimlessly did it for me. And nobody seems to like sidewalks.


Dutch resistance members celebrate at the moment they heard of Adolf Hitler's death over the radio, May 1945.
I wonder if I had the guts to do that or would I just go along to get along.

I think about dying more now.
I guess it's only natural, but in a way it makes me regret doing some things I should have done.

I watch more than my share of movies and such.
Westeros is Ireland upside down complete with Hadrian's wall.

Joe Dirt is a guilty pleasure of mine.

And last night I watch a movie about a guy who took great delight in hunting down illegal aliens crossing the border and shooting them
That's Negan.

All things Ralph...
I have no idea what that means and nor do I care to learn.

Sometimes things just line up.

Formal wedding? Include me out of your "we."


A real-life tadpole egg dividing from four cells into several million in the space of just 20 seconds.
But it doesn't get bigger. What's up with that?
You know the old logic problem about earning a penny the first day and doubling it for a month. I guess it's like that.

Just some gold being absorbed by mercury. 
Holy fucking shit, y'all! I got a special drawer in my house that you need to keep a thermometer away from.

The video shows several of mercury's amazing properties.

Here mercury on aluminum. 
And that Gentle Reader is why you are forbidden to take mercury on an airliner. By the way, it grows like that white tower over and over when the previous one is wiped away.

I wonder if we will ever figure out how to keep the human body healthy in weightlessness.

I can still fit into the anxiety I wore in high school.



The year is 2028. President AR-15 just signed a law that simply said "Truck".


"Rape is not funny," said every woman on the planet.


Some people are terrible at parallel parking.



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