About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 4, 2017

MONDAY #3177

One Of My Very Own...

Sorry. Let's try that again.


When you don't have flood insurance.

As I understand it, flood damage to a car almost totals it because water gets into places where it can't evaporate and just aids in the deterioration of the metal. Anybody know differently?

And it doesn't stop at the Louisiana state line.

In Case You're Not Paying Attention, Southeast Asia Is Experiencing One Of The Worst Floods In History.

USC's blind long snapper Jake Olson first snap.

Be afraid.
Be very afraid.
A nuclear bomb can wipe out a city. A hydrogen bomb can wipe out a whole state.

I get all my news from the radio on Grand Theft Auto.




That is one of the first cartoons I ever shared with you, and I still think it hilarious.




Jeez. She looks like a robot learning a new task.


Falling, she let's go of the shelf.



Worst problem solver in America.


And this old favorite...

Sometimes they tend to exaggerate...

When two people kiss, they create a long tube from butthole to butthole.


Notice how many jump right in the boat...
If I'm not mistaken, that is an invasive fish that they are trying very hard to keep out of the Great Lakes.

But he has nothing on this little girl...
(you may have to click it to make it work)
I think she found a dead fish.



I would pay good money to see her do that naked.

Holy terminal velocity, Batman!

Remember when you were a little kid and you fell on the trampoline and everyone else kept jumping so you couldn't get back up? That's what adulthood feels like.


First cat ever recorded. By George Albert Smith (1901)

Howard Cosell: "Folks, I have just returned from the future, and you won't believe this shit."

Nice image.

The moment the Ohio National Guard began to fire at an unarmed crowd of college students who had gathered to protest the Vietnam War at the Kent State shootings in Kent, Ohio, US in 1970. A total of 29 Guardsman fired 67 rounds over the course of 13 seconds, some at the crowd, and some at innocent bystanders unluckily passing by at the wrong time. It was a shocking and surreal event at the time.

This was the reaction from the students during the Kent State shootings, as they hid or dispersed in total fear for their lives. The shooting was a huge shock to the nation, and over 900 schools saw protests immediately following this event involving some 4 million students. 4 students would die during the shootings, with another 9 wounded.

Eugene Stoner (left) and Mikhail Kalashnikov (right) meeting for the first time on May 15th, 1990. Stoner is the designer of the AR-15, and Kalashnikov the AK-47.

And here's someone using Mikhail's little gadget.


A lynch mob show off their handy work to their children after lynching a young black man somewhere in Mississippi, USA in the late 1940s. Many lynching's were done without proof against any of the accused solely because the accused was black. Lynching's in the US go back centuries, often against anyone accused of a crime the public was sickened by. However, in the South after the Civil War and especially before desegregation, if you were black and accused of anything, especially against whites such as an interracial relationships or a crime without having the burden of proof, sadly that probably meant your life.
And you think black people who had to cut the body down should "just get over it"? Would you?


Upon being introduced, I like to say "You look so familiar. Were we in prison together?"


Lesson Learned: Don't be a showoff. 

A coloring book you may have missed...







Rules Of War: Kill first, die last.






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