About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Ry Cooder Evans - Down in Mississippi


It all started when a fleeing felon ran head on into a semi truck.

The semi was driven by this man.

From the article:
This is the man the nurse stood up for.
The man on the left is William Gray, and he was badly injured in a head-on collision during a high-speed chase. He is also a reserve police officer from the Rigby, Idaho PD.
Gray was driving this semi when the suspect ran into him during a high-speed chase and caused the subsequent explosion. Gray was unconscious when he arrived at the hospital.
Nurse Alex Wubbles was arrested protecting his blood sample from being unlawfully obtained. Even though Gray is not a suspect and was not charged with a crime, he was unable to give consent for the blood sample that was demanded.
As you can see, Gray was the victim in the crash. He was on fire when he crawled out after the explosion.

That reminds me of the sci-fi movie where they send out repo teams to collect a transplanted organ if you don't make the payments.
I could just see a team of thugs storming retirement homes cutting the pace makers from still beating chests.

If I've learned anything from the footage of flood cleanup in Texas it is that Texans have some ugly ass furniture.

We are all going to die. I think about that sometimes. And our lives? We are just keeping busy until the day comes...as it surely will. Have a nice day.


al-Quaraouiyine University- the oldest running university in the world.

Generally speaking, when we talk about women in education, Juliana Morell is known as the first women in Western society to have been awarded a doctorate (a Law doctorate at that) in 1608.

The one in the middle looks like a young me.

They must have a hell of a lease.


I didn't know they had those.

He is but a child.


Sputnik-1 Telemetry Signal
We Americans freaked out when we looked up and saw this passing over our houses. You could also tune in and hear the damn thing on a receiver.
Singlehandedly it sparked the space race.
So, in a way, thanks Sputnik.

I read somewhere that in every relationship there is one who loves and one who is loved. I think about that often, neither agreeing or disagreeing. Just thinking.




I think often about the things that me and my present wife have done in the past and have concluded everyone has done some wild ass shit and you would never know by looking at them now.
I don't even think that's funny on any level, except maybe language usage. I have no idea why I slid it over in the active image file.


I went to pick up a member of my mural crew for an out of town job and found him just like this. I kicked him awake and worked his ass off in 105 degree heat.

Gag is in the small print.

Another quote from a poem: The incurable find a cure...5 seconds before they die.


That this is necessary is disquieting.

Due to the open cockpit, I bet the drag on that thing is a bitch.

And only short blurbs...


I tried that and found it greatly overrated.
Pissed the wife off, too.

Big Ben sounds for the last time for nearly 4 years as London’s iconic clocktower is set to undergo repairs.

I don't know why, but I think it would be much easier going up than coming down.

Line drawer.
Music teachers use these to draw lines on the blackboard.
I've used markers in it for some murals.

There's a green spot, and a red spot, try to complete the maze without touching the edges!

This is what it looks like if you zoom in...
I couldn't even find the dots.

Just a reminder that this is doable.

I once heard that 100% of all human deaths are caused by oxygen deprivation to the brain. I asked about being vaporized at ground zero of a thermonuclear explosion and was told that the oxygen delivery system (arteries and such) had been "too widely dispersed" to deliver the oxygen. How's that for language usage.


I thought that very funny.


I agree.

There comes a time in every person's life when we realize that in the greater scheme, we are not the protagonist. We are but an extras in a drama we can't even fathom.





And don't try to gloss over it by saying they were evil. Infants and retards can't be evil.



Ralph, I know you like crosswords. Here are 2 clues from the Times of London, both from over 40 years ago;

1] GSGE [4 letters].

2] [1,6,3,1,4]


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