About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

SUNDAY #3176

One Of My Very Own...

The King Beetle On A Coconut Estate
If you would like to have the lyrics:


Camera damage from 2017 eclipse
Stupid bastard.

More than 60,000 people will have to evacuate Frankfurt, Germany, on Sunday so authorities can defuse a massive 1.2 ton World War II bomb.

A Florida judge dismissed a fraud lawsuit against the DNC by Bernie Sanders supporters who had argued that their donations were acceptable but their candidate never would be.
The DNC's defense was (quite literally) that the DNC has the right to choose its candidate and that the primaries are merely a show.  And... if we don't like it, they could forget about holding primaries completely.

Everyone is gluten free until the hurricane comes.

The tofu and soy meat section at the supermarket. Texans will not buy this stuff - not even with totally barren shelves.

Is that photoshopped? 

One photo tells all...

Sweet Jesus!

Take the title of the last book you read and add "with a chainsaw." Like, The Grapes of Wrath With a Chainsaw.


Rules of effective story telling.
I have often stated that writing novels was the hardest work I have ever done. I even kept a notebook next to my bed to jot down ideas in my sleep.

This is for my wife.
Unless you close the door of my cart carefully it will pop open, a concept my wife is unable to fathom. More often than not her door pops open during a trip. On the way to our Sunday brunch I was telling her about the image above and BOOM her door popped open.

I've painted two finger nails again, the exact color of a Bud Lite bottle. Several people ask me why I did it and I whisper, "I promised a guy during the war." And that shuts them up. Of course, that is a pure fabrication, but they don't know that.

This question popped up on the internet.
Here are my two entries.
Pakistan schoolboy Aitzaz Hassan sacrificed his life by stopping a suicide bomber, saving his classmates.
And you all know this remarkable human being.
The last thing we need are statues of military figures. We should celebrate sacrifice and peace, not war.

Platters are extremely difficult to throw on a wheel. Unless done exactly right, the bottom will always crack in the kiln. I never got one to survive the fire.


When I was in Europe in the late 60s and early 70s, we had to get a phone so that the base could call us if there was an alert or whatever. Ours was huge, like this one in a movie I watched recently. And to call a person in your town only required 5 or 6 digits. Then to call a person in the next town it would require 7 or 8 digits. Then farther away there was a district code, and in another country another longer code. And they simply charged you by the number of digits you had dialed that months. Simple really. Needless to say, since I was sharing an apartment with two other guys, we had to keep careful records of the numbers we called so each would pay their fair share.
Then I got a girlfriend, the Italian consul's daughter, and I had to dial like 22 fucking digits to reach her. I'm thinking not many people remember that kind of billings strategy.

I think this is well worth the 4 minutes.

These are oarlocks. 
I once made a gun rack out of a pair and it looked great. I wrapped leather strands around the curved part to minimize scratching of the rifle.

I tend to agree that the educational system is the weak link in our governance.

I ask a whole bunch of questions.

I question things that large groups believe are the norm.
The notion of every groom buying their bride a diamond ring has been inculcated into our society by DeBeers, but nobody asked why they go along with it.

But my all time favorite question is this.
And trying to prove Christianity with the bible is the silliest of rationales.

I don't always hate Clemson...wait, yes I do.





I guess you could say, "She got off every time."

God I love headlines.



Make up a little story to explain this clip.
Here's mine: "I don't know who left her panties here, but I'm all out of toilet paper."

That cement will dry without you.


Freitag Shop Zurich by Spillmann Echsle Architects Shipping Container - The structural integrity is 8 times stronger than city building codes off the shelf.  They're built to tilt at 45 degrees in the middle of the ocean and stay hooked together. 

2017 called and they want you to catch up.

The picture NASA doesn't want you to see...

This movements is GROWING! Why doesn't some corporation or Nasa run Public Service Announcements? This is embarrassing.

We should ridicule these lunatics unmercifully. 
This is my normal reaction.



They pointed a IR telescope at the center of the milky way for 15 years, you can see stars, some 15x the size of our sun orbiting around nothing.
I will never tire of looking at that.
This is illustrative. 
I wondered for years why all of our planets go around the sun in the same direction. I found out that they started out going in all kinds of direction but the direction with the most objects always win...as illustrated above.

And this is how you get a moon going around a planet...watch carefully.

This right here is the Antikythera mechanism.
We don't know who made it, or where, or when, but it is the world's oldest surviving computer by a wide margin. All we can say for certain about its origins is that it was aboard a ship that sank in Greece between 70 and 60 BCE. 
I watched a documentary featuring images of a scan of that instrument. They think (?) it was used to calculate where the planets would be at any given moment.
[verification needed]

My wife has a school girl fantasy, which is rather common I guess, but I feel really uncomfortable wearing that dress.


I'll bet you money some guy has tried to stick his dick in it.

Remember this cyborg looking lady?
Watch her eyes.

Well, now there's competitive nose cleaning.


All aboard the Nope Train to Fuckthatshitistan.

I think these should be used as panes in a window.

Never underestimate the power of avarice in world politics.


Every damn day.


The usual bailout.

1 comment:

Jambe said...

The Antikythera Mechanism is astounding. I highly recommend Clickspring's ongoing series in which he's reproducing the mechanism and many of the tools the ancients would have used to produce it (some speculative, some not).

The playlist of the main mechanism build videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML4tw_UzqZE&list=PLZioPDnFPNsHnyxfygxA0to4RXv4_jDU2

The playlist of the "fragments" i.e. related tool builds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk_rCm1rAeg&list=PLZioPDnFPNsGnUXuZScwn6Ackf6LGILCa

Engineering/Machinist porn!

Here's the intro to the first video in Chris' series:

In his famous research paper "Gears From The Greeks", historian Derek De Solla Price put forward a stunning theory regarding the device known as the Antikythera Mechanism: that the origins of our modern day engineering achievements, what he called our "recent Age of High Technology", could be found in this ancient device.

He theorized that the profession of clock and instrument making had acted as a silent carrier of a larger, and much older technology tradition. That embedded in the daily output of clockmakers were the fundamental elements of modern engineering such as gearing, linkages, shafts and bearings, some of the key elements that had led to the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, and then everything that had followed.

Clockmakers, he said, had played a crucial role in the emergence of our modern world, and that the clockmaking tradition itself, was part of a distinguished mainline of technology that could be directly traced all of the way back to the Antikythera Mechanism.

The Ancient Greeks had written the original language of the mechanical engineer, and had left behind a record of it in this incredible device: a calculating machine that used complex mathematics and precise engineering to model the Ancient Greek understanding of the Cosmos.

A single input wheel drove a complex combination of gears, pins, slots, and pointers, so that the operator could directly compute and most importantly predict, the position of the naked eye celestial objects, the date and time of eclipses, and even some of the characteristics of those eclipses. The phase of the moon, retrograde motion of the planets, and even barely observable details like the precession of the lunar orbit, were all modeled according to Ancient Greek astronomical theory.

For our modern understanding of the history of science and technology, it's likely to be the single most important object ever uncovered from ancient times."

Emphasis mine there at the end.

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