About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Bare Necessities - Jungle Book


"God is merciful." Have you looked around lately? I'm not talking about evil men doing evil things. I'm talking about the diseases, the famines, the misery every fucking where. And you call this divine plan MERCIFUL? If so, what would you call a deity that had no fucking idea what mercy means?

America at its finest.
Do you think this man gives a shit what color that woman is?

I think this man may have permanently ruined his credibility. 
I certainly hope so.

Nice image...aesthetically.

Tankers can't get to stations.
A couple have gas but no electricity. At these stations lines are forming in anticipation of power restoration.
Nice website, though.

And now that this fucking boondoggle has been cancelled, guess who is going to pay for it. Me. And people like me.


USA and Costa Rica was a hell of a soccer match.
Announcer: "US in shreds tonight."
I predict great things for Central American team in World Cup.

I have Florida State to beat Alabama. I will need all the luck you can send me.

Oysters do not grow pearls around a grain of sand, but parasites.


"Look at me!.... I am the Uber now."


I wish I was as good at anything as he is at table tennis.

What the fuck was he thinking?
And the ocean just spat him right back up.

I've taught a child like that.

This is where they live.
I have a friend who is pissed off...or at least acts pissed off...constantly. He gets loud, curses, slams his fist, etc. Once I asked him to go outside with me, and once there out of earshot from others, told him that he owned three businesses; had numerous cars, trucks and a motorcycle; a beautiful old farmhouse; a wife who loved him; and his and her health. Then I asked "What the fuck would it take to make you happy?"

I never actually caught my daughter smoking weed, but I'm pretty sure sober people don't give goodnight handshakes.


I'm thinking this would be a great idea on an aircraft carrier.

Copper mines with realistic sized balls of copper extracted photoshopped in.
West O'okiep Mine, Okiep - 284,000 tonnes of copper extracted.

Nababeep South Mine, Nababeep - 302,791.65 tonnes of copper extracted

Copperton Mine, Copperton - 462,560 tonnes of copper, 934,560 tonnes of zinc, and 944 tonnes of silver extracted. Notice how there are numerous smallish mines.

Palabora Mine, Phalaborwa - 4.1 million tonnes of copper extracted.
I found that fascinating.

Why you shouldn't get high and drive...

From such things nightmares are birthed...

Guy looked out his apartment window and saw this construction site shut down for the night.

So he made this...
And half buried it here...
Some people just want to watch the whole world smile.

What a wonderful photograph.
Is the dark stria caused by volcanic ash? I doubt it would be that regular.

I haven't seen any new pictures of Bigfoot in a while. I hope he's okay.


Also, who even has a slotted screwdriver anymore?

Just another thing to worry about.
"What happened to your father?"
"He was eaten by a pyrosome while diving."

Said to be a rare assfaceseanope.

I finally got this gif to load...

The hive was without a queen, so a new one was introduced to the hive. For her protection she's inside a small cage so they can get to know each other and decide if they like her or not. In this case, the hive tries it's hardest to get inside her cage and murder the shit out of her.

Teaching it to figure out how to complete a task when the parameters change.

More robot nonsense on Ted Talks.

20mb hard drive from 1983 next to 64,000mb of flash storage in 2017

The m&ms in these brownies sank, and left behind their M.

Don't you dare call me irrational! You know that makes me crazy.


I wonder if anyone under 40 will even understand the joke.


I have no idea what that means. Anyone?

But fuck the cheese, I'll go straight meat...

I'll use that to re-teach my favorite rule: Only commit one crime at a time. My guess is that that person was drunk (1) AND was speeding (2).

If that is garlic bread, I'm in.
I showed this to the kitchen staff at my pizza bar, they said they make their's in a hoagie roll that has been garlicized, that way it can't just fall out.

Read these next two as if there was going to be an exam on it afterwards.


Do those make you angry because they are not factual? Of course not. How about this one?
But seriously, if he could close the lid, he hasn't broken my record.

I think some of you are much too sensitive to trolls. I only the other hand am amused when tricked.

For instance, a loyal Folio Olio read emailed me this image and stated he photoshopped it.
I have no way of knowing if that is true or not, so I choose to believe he did, in fact, created it. And if I found out he didn't, I just wouldn't care.
There are people who will email me something like "You copied that from a cartoon by such and such." So fucking sue me. I'm not cheating, I'm reserving artifacts.

It is possible that the order of a shuffled deck of common cards has never been seen before.



When hunting in Alaska, my brother had to keep his beer in a small cooler inside a larger cooler to keep his beer from freezing.

I watched that movie about the Kroc guy cheating the McDonald brothers. Here was a quote.
I mean...DAMN.

I tend to believe that.

I said it was weird. I didn't say I wouldn't do it.





Don't be stupid, people. Yours is no less ridiculous than those other religions.


Matt said...

the king beetle and the coconut estate

Lara said...

Matt, thanks very much for sharing that link. I wish I knew you in person.


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