About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Ry Cooder Evans - Down in Mississippi


Team USA Men's Soccer looked like shit yesterday.

Some Guy Died After After Running Into A Blazing Effigy On The Final Night At Burning Man


I'm always curious how different models reading the exact same data can come up with such diverse tracks.

Oh, that explains it.

You aren't going to believe this shit...
SACRAMENTO -- After a violent weekend of suspected gang-related shootings, Tuesday the Sacramento City Council took action to reduce the bloodshed.It approved a controversial program called Advance  Peace, which offers cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful.
Note: That's right, they are going to take some of your money and give it to a gang member so they don't kill another gang member. So it has come to this.


Her dogs made discoveries of their own.


If you are an adult chew with your fucking mouth closed.


Before you give money, always check out Charity Navigator. They give a complete breakdown of how charities spend their funds.


This most unusual building is one of my daughter's favorite structures in the whole world.

This is the Nativity facade of the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

It has some rather unique features for a cathedral.

Terrorist recently intended to bomb this amazing building. Started in 1882 it is expected to be completed in 2026, that's nearly 150 years.  Cathedrals still take a long time to build even with modern equipment.

The terrorists blew themselves up in their own apartment if I recall correctly.

When you are holding everybody's gold they tend to leave you alone.

Advice: Just go in for hug and forget about it.



Members of the First Battalion, 87th Infantry, tending to a wounded comrade in Kunduz, Afghanistan.

Credit: Damon Winter / The New York Times
I'm assuming something blew up near them.
I don't care who you are, you have got to feel the power in that image.

Friendship is pretty weird. You just pick a human you've met and you're like "Yep, I like this one," and you just do stuff with them.


Oregon Deputies ironically cite man for illegal dumping.
One prick is wearing a recycling shirt.

A glitch in the matrix?

The miracle that is alcohol.

I find it strange that each of those have their own swimming pool.

Looks like one of my darker PornHub searches.

When the edible seems weak so you eat more.

There will come a point in the future when somebody will think about you, and then nobody else ever will.







A flock of assholes is called People.


Yes, there are lots of people in America who think god made white people the chosen race, and no laws are going to change that.

America is knee-deep in not letting people talk if someone might get their feelings hurt. I think that is very dangerous.

Example Number One:

Example Number 2:

Look, I don't give a shit about statues of some long dead guys. I do have objections when a relatively small group demands we all respond to their victimhood. A short hop and skip and we start burning books. All I ask is that we move slowly. Remember, as an American you don't really have a right not to be offended. Oddly, as an American, I have a right to offend you. It's called free speech and it's a pretty fucking big deal.

I will admit that I get very involved in cultural diversions.
Oh, my.

Here's what happens when some people think other people must be "fixed."

This was not illegal back then.

You can learn a lot about life by watching animals.
I had two dogs once, and when another dog would walk past the house, alpha dog would attack beta dog. Never really understood that.
I think that is a perfect metaphor for abused children turning into bullies.

Alpha lion eats first and until he's sated.
That probably says something about us, also.

Yeah, it comes from mega corporations who have bought out most of little farmers. But we still have farm subsidies for the big boys.


Those were the good old days.

Whomever came up with the saying "Make love not war" was obviously not married.


Apparently many mammals have an innate need for play. I think it wonderful.

For all you people who are just a little too comfortable with your lives...

Khachapuri  is a traditional Georgian dish of cheese-filled bread.

There are several distinctive types of khachapuri in Georgian food from different regions of Georgia. Adjarian  khachapuri is the one in which the dough is formed into an open boat shape and the hot pie is topped with a raw egg and a pat of butter before serving.

Meat lover's pizza?
That, Gentle Reader, was almost below my standards.



I think in the Special Olympics it is cruel to use the term "2nd Leg" in the long distance wheelchair races. It's like saying "He would give his right arm to win...", Oh never mind.

I would get so very creative with these...IF I HAD ONE.
 No hardware store or produce isle would be safe.
Just a friendly reminder that 
my birthday is Sept. 17



Yet we have people on this planet who think it is flat...because the bible said it is flat. Sad really.


Anonymous said...

I ordered you some of those stickers. They are being delivered to Mel

Anonymous said...

I was also looking to buy some, but I think I will order the ones that state "Vaginal Use Only".....Mel

Ralph Henry said...

Well, you would, wouldn't you Mel.

Just kidding. Come see me, my friend, you know where to find me. I want to hear more about your daughter.

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