About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, October 6, 2017

FRIDAY #3209

One Of My Very Own

Let's do that again...

Boom, Boom, Boom ~ John Lee Hooker & ZZ Top


First the good news from our friends at Big Science...
Air Force One with sniper positions.

(That's kind of a inside internet joke.)

Anti-Independence March in Catalonia. Yes they exist too. 
Where are all my Spanish viewers? I want news straight from the horse's mouth, as it were.

Interesting point.


Game of Thrones, at its core, has always been a show about how much it sucks to be a horse.


I am presenting this rather long blog in no particular order, but all have the common thread that something is going awry.


What happens next to this spectator running in between the leader of the race and the camera cycle?

a. He gets body slammed by a little girl.

b. He gets body slammed by a woman.

c. He gets body slammed by a man.
d. He gets body slammed by two large policemen.

I not only wouldn't remove the paw prints, I would invite more dogs to make it a truly unique sidewalk.


d. He gets body slammed by two large policemen.


South Dakota Rep. Lynne DiSanto, the GOP's majority whip in the state house, is baffled as to why anyone would think her Facebook post of a meme showing a car running over protesters with the banner "All Lives Splatter" meant that she condoned running over protesters. The meme also said "Nobody cares about your protest. Keep your ass out of the road." She commented, "I think this is a movement we can all support. #alllivessplatter."


Wait for it...

Catastrophic Dam Failure In Laos.
Article said no one was hurt.

Look, let's just make a rule, okay. If it involves a camera and fire of any kind DON'T DO IT.



There seems to be an epidemic of such nonsense.

Machete Attack
That's some real life ninja shit right there.

Wait until the very end and pay attention...



Yeah, we all love nature.
Bullshit. Nature terrifies us.

Human beings are remarkably resilient.

Massive sinkhole drains entire lake in Brazil.

It gets much, much worse. Full story here:

You might want to listen to the guy explain what happened.




Looks like the ship's bow scene from Titanic.


She is protecting the white guy.










"Man was driving through Houston Eldridge in Texas, when a woman suddenly pushed a man, he presumes to be her husband, into the middle of the road. Something that looks like a domestic squabble escalated to attempted murder as the woman intentionally waits for my car and pushes the man in front. The impact broke off my side mirror while the man clutched at his elbow and took off across the street with the woman after him. Police report was filed."

The famous shower scene in Psycho is crazy. She turns on the water & just let's it hit her in the face before testing it with her hand first.





Here's something I came upon days after posting the above.
That is how some text books are describing the Trail of Tears..."agreed to move."



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