About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

SUNDAY #3211

One Of My Very Own

Harry Belafonte sings 'Hine Ma Tov'


Three from my conservative friend.

Moving one...

"Nah, we don't need vaccines anymore."

Doing what we have all dreamed about doing.

All thing Ralph...

Saudi king's gold escalator fails .... forced to walk like other mortals.
"Somebody's family will pay."
Personal Note: Fuck that bitch.

 Are dog catching nets real or just lies taught to us by Big Cartoon?


If you're ever feeling down, just remember that horses can grow mustaches.


Not if you printed both weights on everything for say five years, then phase out the pounds.

Passwords = Name of site and some clever sequence of characters. For instance, my Blogger account would be: Blogger1*2*=3* or some such. Gmail account would be Gmail1*2*=3*. I'm thinking that is a very good idea. I wish I had known it twenty years ago.

This reminds me of the assertion I posted a while back that boys get a leg up on basic physics because they stand and pee, therefore they can watch the dynamics, whereas little girls never see their stream.
What a wonderful thing to think about.

Jessica Biel
I saw her in a movie and thought she was not only extremely beautiful, but a very good actress.
I thought to myself that I bet she has beautiful feet, so I Googled it.
I credit that deformity on wearing too many high heels.

Trying to make sure the leg doesn't shorten after shattering the femur. Screws in knee with weights pulling it.

They should do it like the University of South Carolina did it, leave the quad dirt until the students trod the desired path, then that's where they put the sidewalks. To curtail rounding off the corners they planted huge briar bushes.

Wood Joinery: four faced goose neck splice.
That's just plain wizardry, no normal human being can do that.

Warning: If you are still listening to the song, you might want to click on these after it is over.

Cube Of Sand Holds Up A Car
Well worth the view time:


Insane Time-Lapse Selfie Video

You've seen time-lapse selfies before. You've never seen one this good.
Why Airport Runways Have Two Numbers, One Always 18 Less Than The Other.
That's for incoming and outgoing planes.

I believe this is an example of primer cord explosive fuses. You can see the loops of cord exploding  under the bridge.
Fast ain't it.

My friend sent this from a student show at a university.
Really? Maybe. You just have to know how to bullshitify your shit.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) played a major role in the scientific revolution even though he was such a poor boy and nobody loved him.






But why did the red car stop?

I think I have posted this before, but the look on her face...


My wife shot me in the eye with her Waterpik, and asked, "How do you like it?


Is this how little helicopters are made?

Changing the light bulb atop the St Louis Arch.
Makes my dick hurt.

Go back and watch the guy in the blue wifebeater.



The table-shelf

People overcome adversity all the time. Look at Beethoven. They told him he was deaf, but did he listen?


Or so I'm told.


Blowjob or intercourse?

Drug company's TV ads...
The problem is nobody, and I mean nobody, listens to the horrible things that could happen to you, thus yielding them totally ineffective.

Nature Porn

There's no "i" in happyness.



Does it matter that he might not have said that? No.



The very first glory hole?


mike harris said...

Dear Ralph, Put "white couple" into Google and press images.

Jambe said...

As with Socrates, it doesn't really matter if he said it or not (or even whether he existed at all).

... as it happens, though, Serling did say that, and the context is important, too (though you can suss it by knowing who Serling was and how he wrote). It was the epilogue to an episode of The Twilight Zone called The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street which is, as with most of his work, timeless.

If you can't watch it, at least read the Wikipedia summary, specifically the last para of the plot section describing the final scenes:


I've praised Serling in your comments section before; he was an incredible person whose writing could be simultaneously fiery and angry yet empathetic and hopeful. And the voice on the guy! He was like Steven Pinker or Sam Harris in that he had the infuriating ability to speak extemporaneously in perfectly-formed sentences. I can't even think in such sentences, let alone speak.

I already linked an interview he did with Mike Wallace in 1959, so here's a wonderfully-animated one he did in 1963 with Australian host Binny Lum (who was also an utter delight). My favorite sentence from that interview (on the topic of writers' habits and the spinning of yarns): "Some liars go to prison, others write television shows."

Charlie Brooker is kind of a contemporary Serling. I'm sure one of your commenters has mentioned his Black Mirror series; very worthwhile if you like dark near-future sci-fi.

Ralph Henry said...

You, sir, are a treasure.

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