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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Monster Mash

He really is handicapped, so it's cool.

Pretty cool masks

I wonder how he explains that to his young daughters. Surely he doesn't let them watch the show!


Where's the stem?


God, I love babies.

But I thought Halloween meant All Hallow's Eve or some such shit.

I don't know what she came as, but she looks really strange.



My all time favorite.


What a prick.


Could This Be True?

"You wonder how all the other closeted gay men manage to get through life without trying to fuck children, but then you remember where you stand. This effort to engender sympathy, at the cost of casting gay men as confused predators on the margins on pedophilia, is the old-school at its worst."

And Meanwhile in South Africa......
"There has been a LOT of mostly-white farmers murdered over the past 23 years, since the end of Apartheid in 1994 here in South Africa. There are many arguments to state that this is merely a coincidence. That these white farmers are murdered because their farms are in isolated areas and are thus easy targets. This is true. But honestly? This is not even a fractionally reason these farmers are murdered. The way they are tortured? Mutilated? No. This is not murder. It is genocide. It is revenge killings. Just go look up on farm murders in South Africa. See the horrible and painful deaths these people suffer. Woman, children, even months old BABIES. All because of the color of their skin. And nothing is truly done to bring an end to these barbaric killings. Our government idly sits by and shrug their shoulders. It barely gets any media attention. No outrages. Nothing. No one bats a fucking eye because it is perceived as a white people problem in a country where white people present 8% of the population. So farmers and communities have decided that today, Monday 30 October, will be in honor of all those farmers who have lost their lives for absolutely no reason. Black Monday. Named so because everyone has decided to unite by all wearing black t-shirts. They have brought a standstill to most of the country by blocking roads and streets. Standing together as one. Please support the people of South Africa. Let this situation get the international coverage and attention it fucking deserves. Because enough really is enough. I fear for the safety of my children one day. For the children of tomorrow."

My parrot died today. Its last words were, "Fuck, I think my parrot is about to die."


Super-long post today due to these marvelous images I found of people who look like the paintings they are looking at.


Photographer, Stefan Draschan, Catches People Matching Artworks At Museums, And Result Is Pretty Awesome

Question: Do you think that this man just wondered around museums and found these people looking at those paintings or do you think he did some manipulation?
I don't mean staging the whole thing.
For instance, do you think he asked her to tie her jacket around her waist.
That's almost too uncanny to believe.

Home is where you can say whatever you want because no one is listening anyway.



This surgery makes short people a foot taller.

B-52 from Inside the Bomb Bay with a bullseye.

Remember this from a long time ago?
I wonder if they are out in workshops all over the world.

You need to go on YouTube for People freaking out on China glass bridge. Choose from any of them. They are hilarious.

We get it. We get it.

Just another reason to wear a helmet.

Fast ain't it.

One of the main sponsors for the Gamecock's football games is a local fried chicken restaurant and nobody finds that odd.



What an amazing adaptation.


I still have questions about Crown Shyness, where trees avoid touching.
An article stated that it was not due to friction or abrasion or any other factor of touching another tree. My question is, how do you go about proving that?

P-38 Lightning is now one with the Sea.

Found doggy needed a little help.
Dog Groomer Rushes To Work In The Middle Of The Night To Give Poor Dog Emergency Haircut.

The biggest thing flat earthers fear is sphere itself.



Everybody needs goals.

That celebratory victory display is completely appropriate for a shot like that. It irks me when a guy kicks a ball that careens off four players and STILL acts like he's the greatest...that's just silly.

So why don't we have monuments and stuff all over the world for these people?

Florida detective picked up a yellow anaconda with her hands and put it in a bag.
Oh, hell no.

"Will you marry me?"

Colorado has had a 6% drop in opioid deaths since legalizing marijuana.

Republican Georgia state Sen. Michael Williams claims "the bump stock prevented more deaths due to the device’s “inaccuracy” when attached."

And as an aside, I ran across this.

I reminded me of that adjustable wrench my friend made with a router mounted to a movable guide.

This reminds me of myself dancing in my custom made Italian suit in German as a young men.

And this is the effect it had on the ladies...

"Holy higher-order problem solving skills, Squirrelman!"

Anyone besides me enjoy Bonsai?

Iceberg encounter.

All  to give an old rich Japanese guy a hard-on. 
It's all in their mind.

From now on, the horse from the song A Horse With No Name will be called Rupert.




Watched an old movie and the girlfriend of a teenaged kid's father asked the kid this question:
Nowadays NOBODY would dare ask a question like that of ANYONE.

In that same movie we all got to see Robin Williams' junk package.
I showed that to the bar and some of them thought he had a package double. I said he didn't because had that been a double he would have hired one that made it look like a moray eel was sucking on his balls.

RH - I know a woman named Karen that fits that bill perfectly.

Go ahead read that and laugh, then go back and read your bible with the same skepticism. You will laugh at it too.


I once called in sick to work because of pizza cheese mouth burns from the night before.








mike harris said...

Saw you talking about anti Englishness. The worst overt racism in Britain is anti Englishness from the Scots and the Irish [not the Welsh]. Hollywood tells us all English are nasty racists- very untrue.

Anonymous said...

the girl in the costume that "looks really strange" - guessing that is "Eyehole Man" from Rick & Morty...jm

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