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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 30, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


They roll out this net neutrality shit from time to time. Sane people have been able to stymy them before, but now we have the head of the FCC in Big Cable's pocket.

Have you eve clicked on a sports channel or movie or such on your TV and it told you that you didn't have the right package for that? Well, if you like buying pieces of TV shit, you are going to love doing the same thing to the internet.
I'm not the only one who is fearful. This guy KNOWS!
"I hope that the Canadian government is smarter than the United States government and won't let this kind of closing down an open internet to exist." - Tom Wheeler


Good point.
If Rochelle's theory held water, then the KKK should be full of Mensa members.
I think she is an apologist for why black students statistically do very poorly in math...but I could be wrong.


Okay, I want your emails or comments on what you would do with North Korea. And please let me know you understand the consequences of your suggestion and still think it's worth it.

This might sound old fashioned, but I have never sexually assaulted anyone.

I like that joke very much.


Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey, however, have found a way to mix photography with life. For 20 years the duo, who are based in England, have been using live grass as biological photo paper. They literally grow their own photographs.
I'm not even going to try and explain the method. Read for yourself:

Lots of talk out there about what is and what is not art. I'm not sure there is one definition to fit all circumstances, but after studying art my whole life I can tell you that this is not it.

Don't believe me? Ask a bomber to explain what he is trying to accomplish with his/her work.

But what bothers me most is that there are great, wonderful lessons to be taught with a spray can.
I don't mean that everybody can be a Banksy, but couldn't you at least try to raise their game?
Doing the same thing over and over and over, especially if it your "sign" or god forbid your "name" is just plain narcissism. 


Is this art?
You bet your sweet ass it is.

Ignorance and stupidity are not the same thing. Ignorance is simply lack of information. Stupidity is an inability to analyze, comprehend, and use information ever when you have it.



Ötzi, a 45 year old man that died around 5,300 years ago in the Ötztal Alps. His frozen body was discovered sticking out of a glacier.
So they used the skeleton to show what he looked like, among others.

3,700 year old "Ava" discovered in Scotland.

Archer found in the wreck of the Mary Rose, which sank in 1545.

"Jane", 14 year old girl killed and eaten by starving Jamestown settlers in the 17th century.

And last but certainly not least, Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer, died 1543

I'm am fascinated by robots.
And why try to reinvent the wheel? Nature has already invented many ways to get from point A to point B. I would think eight legs like a spider would make a robot almost unstoppable.

Office building, Macau, China

If both basketball teams just worked together they could score so many more points.



It's a window made from a washer front...or a dryer.



If you find yourself in need of a way to remove the musty smell of a long closed up camper or some such, hand a couple of dryer sheets around. It works great.





My jury is still out.

Hardly Davidson

See anything odd about this?
Well, why does he have that spare tire?

A guy ordered this coffee then immediately left the building.


You are never too out of shape to get in even worse shape.



I'd pay a lot of money...

This elephant thought the human was in trouble.

Animals share so many emotions with humans.
I've seen contriteness like this with every dog I've ever known.
At least the well-behaved ones.

This case was like the OJ Simpson trial in Australia.
There were many people that doubted the mom, but a few years ago the blanket was found in a dingo den proving it was not just a cover-up.

They should make a District 9 sequel.
The original was a thinly veiled attack on apartheid, but I thought it very entertaining.

Keep it simple.

Guy's request to hotel.

Hotel's answer.

My old friend juxtaposition.

I'm thinking BBQ, but it could be fried chicken.

Feeling like there is hope for society? Well, try the movie THE DINNER

We all hear about the 50,000 who died in Vietnam. But that was just the American deaths. 
There were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of deaths, but we only tally our own. Why it is that? Do only our sons, fathers, and cousins somehow count more? And remember, those winning boys on the other side...the evil side...managed to forge a functioning society. Flawed for sure, but no worse than under the American puppet government we installed and then abandoned. What an ugly chapter in our history.

After watching that movie I was curious about the loses per state in the Civil War.
That doesn't really tell me anything I wanted to know because I realized some states, like Virginia, had far more citizens than other states.

Here are total deaths, note disease.

Neil Armstrong's name spelled backwards is "Gnorts, Mr. Alien."



VIEWER CHALLENGE: What did he expect to happen?





smk762 said...

Heya Ralph, happy whatever's happening.
If you liked District 9, check out Chappie. It's done by the same dude.




Ralph Henry said...

I have seen it and kind of liked it. There was some gaping illogic in the human's actions, but then it turn into a shot 'em up, which I've seen enough of.

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