About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


One Of My Very Own

Celebrate (1975) - Three Dog Night



I haven't forgotten about this bullshit.

They took my brother-in-law's $8 1/2 million mansion full of antiques; his eight sports cars including a Ford GT; his race horses; all of his cash and his businesses. Of course he was guilty, but still.

Dearest Timmy,
Your obsession with wells is tearing us apart.



While on a talk show...

Colonel Sanders - The younger years

These are called bench seats and they were designed for teenagers to have comfortable sex.
And girls used to think those breasts were attractive.



I wonder if these two people were funny in their private life.
I've only known one professional comedian. She had a couple of HBO specials. And she was funny as hell in private. But the odd thing was, I would tell her a funny ass joke and she would just nod and say "That was very funny."


 Imagine my dismay when I found out that German girl wasn't joking about owning a lie detector machine.



If this doesn't open, just open it in another tab. I found it extraordinary.

Don't think that way. We live longer. There is less violence than any other period. We have our problems, but they are manageable. For us anyway. Don't know about our great-great-great grandchildren.

People lie. It's a fact.

And when it's funny, no harm no foul.

Thanks for inspiring me!!!!

This is me 2 years ago and I decided to change my eating habits and start going to the gym and I had no idea how long it would take to go from 300lbs to 100lbs but I challenged myself to go for it and I would say it was worth it.

Of course there are those with evil intent...

But what I don't understand are the folks that post lies with no payoff. When you post something like "Dogs have twice as many bones as do humans" what do you get for your efforts? And I'm not talking about the poor people like me that re-post a lie because of being too busy to double check; I'm talking about the originator. Why go through that much effort?

Always remember to look for the end of the extension cord you left in the yard before taking a piss.



Inside the Well-Traveled Sketchbooks of Artist Dina Brodsky

And installation
No word on who or where.

Netflix just suggested I get up and walk around before I develop a blood clot.



This guy had some kind of injections.





Being Offended - The New National Pasttime

The stunt was apparently meant to be taken in a light-hearted way but numerous people pointed out that the fresh take on the 2,000-year old scene could cause offense because Jesus was Jewish and eating pork is forbidden in the Jewish faith.

Transracial Florida Man Born White Says He Identifies As Filipino
Question: Where do you people draw the line between normal behavior and being crazy? I can tell you that the line has moved several time during my life. A young man has sex with his car? Not crazy anymore. Young woman marries a train station? Not crazy. That guy above? Not crazy?
Seriously, where is the line? What about the guy who thinks he's Jesus? Or the woman who thinks she is a cat. Are they all acceptable alternative lifestyles. Is nothing too far anymore? Or is anything you think you are becomes who you really are in reality?

My first base coach won't let me practice kissing, I hate baseball.



A fake sunroof.

Nut collector

Robot advancement

A new pill that tells your doctor whether you're swallowing it or not has just been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The pill will have a digestible sensor in it that will let a patch worn by the patient know when the pill is going down the hatch. The patch will then relay the message to the patient's mobile app, and, like a game of telephone, the mobile app will send the info over to the doctor.

Looking like an iPhone rollout or creepy TED Talk, this sci-fi PSA from the group Stop Autonomous Weapons looks at a possible near future of autonomous drones trained to kill a specific human target.
I found this a must see:

You see one of mankind's greatest inventions.
I see the very first dick pic.

Ant poison art.

 I think most “Emergency Exit Only - Alarm Will Sound” doors are bluffing, but I’m too much of a coward to find out.



Wondered what "waiting with bated breath" meant.


Last places on Earth with no internet.
Those countries has a user penetration rate of less than 20 per cent. Which means that fewer than one in five of its residents can access the internet because of a lack of infrastructure.


I had no idea...


The most amazing aircraft

And here how the engine works.

I don't know what to do with this information.

 I've been refilling the same Evian water bottle for 6 months. So many people think I'm rich.









Anonymous said...

re: the idiot with the stupid arms... those are the result of an injection called Synthol. It is not an anabolic steroid or performance enhancing drug, it is simply a synthetic oil that is injected directly into the muscle to create volume/size. The difference is that those that use steroids still have to do things like eat and workout to achieve results, whereas those that inject oil into their muscles only affect the size and shape of the muscle injected. A common misconception about steroids is that once someone injects themselves, they will magically burst into muscle bound greatness overnight. There is still a surprising amount of work involved in the kitchen and the gym to see anything close to a bodybuilders physique. Synthol is for those that can't manage even the basic amount of work.


Ralph Henry said...

Do steroids make your dick shrink?

Anonymous said...

Steroids make your balls shrink, not your dick. In a nutshell (ha) when a man introduces large quantities of testosterone to his system, the gonads no longer have to produce it, so they decrease in size. When he cycles off, they will eventually regain their original proportions. When a woman takes testosterone, her clitoris will enlarge and will remain that way, even after she stops taking it. How is that fair? Men take it to look like bigger men, which I guess kind of adds up since his junk will look bigger next to the shrunken balls, but a woman takes it and gets a dick!

Ralph Henry said...

Bummer. Sounds like something Mengele would fuck around with.

Jambe said...

Dan Aykroyd is funny as hell but often unintentionally because he's umpteen kinds of insane (UFOs, ghosts, crystals, that kind of shit). Have you seen the film he wrote & directed called Nothing But Trouble? It's like a portal into his mind and sensibility. He also wrote Ghost Busters and Blues Brothers but on those films he had John Landis to reign in his rampant nuttery; he made intelligible narratives from Aykroyd's massive sprawling scripts. On Nothing But Trouble he apparently had carte blanche to let it all hang out, and thats exactly what he did (one of his characters has a penis-nose, literally).

If you're up for watching an absolutely terrible movie, I quite recommend it if only for its abundant creativity (the set designs and costumes and such are zany and often surreal). Terrible senseless film, but quite "creative".

Regarding the plastic bag installation: it was by an anonymous art collective called luzinterruptus, and was on a Virgin Megastore in Bordeaux about 15 days ago (link to follow:):


Dunno if it's still there.

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