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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 11, 2017

MONDAY #3274

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





Notice that the overlaid blue line runs over the guys in white.

Horses being freed to be saved from California fires.

Why is it called an open-casket funeral and not "remains to be seen"?



It's covered in pennies.

Campers of yore.


They all made it...

The final time USS Wisconsin fired her 16" guns before decommissioning. That's 660 pounds of gunpowder per barrel. Wait for the little puffs.

Test firing of the M65 atomic cannon.

USS Abraham Lincoln making high speed turns.
If only the Titanic could have done that.

Wooden VW

I don't like who I become when I'm left alone with a bag of pork rinds.



"3 Male models pose nude for a French magazine in 1900."
"The sexual nature of France allowed such pictures to not only be accepted, but thrive. Magazines did up to 75 pictures in one edition of just men naked. One such example was La Beaute Magazine. It would be labelled as fine art and distributed all over the country, sometimes outside of it. The purchaser of these magazines was believed to be mostly gay men, and rarely women, even in France. Forgive the blacked out lines, but I did not want this flagged as mature."
[ RH - The black boxes are modern additions overlayed by the guy who posted that to an image site so he wouldn't get flagged. I find that extraordinary. ]

I may have posted that previously, but it made me smile again and maybe it will have the same effect on you.

Poor Design + Lack of Situational Awareness =  You're gonna have a bad time.
But what about sight impaired people, do we just fuck them?

This Netflix one year series is Excellent.

This man should get numerous awards.

Also Netflix movie 'Never Let Me Go' is excellent, but pay attention. My take away is that brainwashing anyone since birth is almost impossible to reverse. Think North Korea and Christians who swallow fairy tale nonsense like magic trees and talking snakes hook, line and sinker.

A European missionary shows a young boy with his hand cut off in Belgian Congo in 1903.
The territory was privately owned by King Leopold II of Belgium, and the native people were used in forced labor to pay off the Kings debts. If they did not meet their quota, hired mercenaries would routinely chop off the limbs of the workers children, so the workers could still work.

She needs to be fucked more than anyone in that photo.

Are you not amused?

If I had boobs I would do this every single day.

He is not a national figure. He's like a county guy.

She’s in deeper shit than the Ganges.

I have an open marriage in the sense that I'm allowed to open my mouth as long as I don't say anything stupid.



I ran into a collection of these.

I couldn't help but think that some of them require a bit of glue.


One of my closest advisors is a pharmacy professor and he says that is one of the field's biggest fears.

Another repost I like every time I see it.

In an alternative universe far, far away...
Those are real items, by the way.

A guy writes: "I put my old desk outside, and instead of someone taking it, more shit showed up."

In a town in Africa they dry raw sewage, form it into round brickets...

And use it as fuel.
I think they are running out of trees to make charcoal.


Remember this?

I think they should title it "Holy sit!"

Maybe they are collecting them for chairity.

Plumbing, you're doing it wrong!

Imagine thinking America was just fine until some guy who kept pushing for universal healthcare and a livable wage ruined everything.



Spot the Snow Leopard...don't scroll down unless you want a spoiler. You might want to enlarge.
Hint: It's not white. Close-up below.

I'm not sure that is true, but it ought to be.

Good god, y'all!! If they knew she was about to deliver, you would think they would put her in a softer environment.

It's right above the middle goat about half way up.

Maybe your dog is barking at my bag because he doesn’t want to work in law enforcement anymore.



So there is a live feed of Jackson Hole's town square and at any given time there are like 1400 people watching. Not a single one of them know why they are watching.

The comments usually look like this.

Or this.

But then this happened...


Then someone in Jackson Hole did this.

People amusing people they don't even know.






And yet none of the Romans noticed anything unusual. Hummmmm.

He's wishing whoever took that photo is a woman.


Anonymous said...

"Imagine thinking America was just fine until some guy who kept pushing for universal healthcare and a livable wage ruined everything."

No, he was pushing Socialism, a failed political Ideology.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever take a shower and discover that evidently you’ve had a bit of toilet paper stuck in your crack all day?

Asking for a friend.


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