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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Kind and Generous-Natalie Merchant


NASA Readies Big Announcement on Possible Alien Life
NASA has announced a press conference for Thursday and is expected to confirm a major discovery about life beyond earth.
The announcement will be made by the team of scientists who have been studying the several thousand planets discovered by the Kepler space telescope. Kepler is the most successful planet-hunting probe in history, having identified more than 2500 planets with another 2000 candidates that still need to be studied.



I think I've found a real football fan.


Octopus uses a shield of shells to defend itself against a shark.


A satellite records data used to produce this simulation of various aerosols in earth's atmosphere.

Look at the Pacific Northwest of the US. All that smoke from all the fires coming up...

Irma, Harvey and Jose. Note how bright they are in this simulation due to how much sea salt they were carrying. Also the dust coming off the Sahara is pretty cool to see.

You can see the day/night cycle of the fires over the US's southeast. The fires died down at night, picked up during the day.

These contrails probably made aiming at them much easier. But, of course, they are very high.

Mexico Establishes Largest Marine Protected Area in North America

The nation will fully protect 57,000 square miles around the Revillagigedo Islands. Illinois is 57K square miles.

I don't care what that is, my child wouldn't have gotten near it...if I had a say.

Oh, my.

I heard that the Lake of the Ozarks has more shoreline than California. Could that be true?


Remember this stupid bastard?


Imagine meeting the guy of your dreams only to find out he says things like icky.


They thought that was funny? I pity the fool.


"2 Terrified women are taken in for questioning South of Manila at the beginning of the Philippine-American War in 1899."

"After the US bought the Philippines from Spain for $20 million after defeating Spain in the Spanish-American War as part of their post war treaty, the local Filipinos immediately revolted, refusing yet another colonial rule. The US with now a firm territory in the Pacific never considered allowing the local population independence. The 3 year war was horrific. The US soldiers considered Filipinos nothing higher than a dog, and during operations, would routinely slaughter them. Men, women, children, it did not matter. During the war alone, around 20,000 Filipino soldiers died in the fighting, but the soldiers killed around 34,000 unarmed civilians as well. Another 200,000 civilians died due to an outbreak of Cholera, which the US did virtually nothing to contain or treat outside their own soldiers. The US lost around 6,000 killed as well. The atrocities were so bad that at least 6 known soldiers in 1900 alone defected to the Filipinos side." 

[ RH - I tried to research that but failed. ]


Here's why that is important:

American field dentist with an improvised electrically powered drill, replacing his issued foot-powered one, 1945
Drill? While in the military I went to the Air Force dentist twice and they just pulled my teeth both times.

During the Battle of Antietam, more Americans were killed by 9am than killed on Omaha beach all day. And the battle didn't end at 9am.

So a man's dick is gross that he thinks he must wash his hands every time he touches it, yet....YET he will ask his girlfriend to put it in her mouth on the drive home.
Hell, I'm so proud of my dick I wash my hands BEFORE I touch it.


There is the working class and the never worked class. For so many of our citizens the American work ethic doesn't exist. And it's not just the shitty schools they were more or less forced to attend, many simply have no notion of the importance of, say, showing up on time for a job or when it is allowed for you to take a break. Many of the Haves say the system is let down by these idle masses. But maybe the system has let them down. Or worse, the system is working just as it was designed - rendering "lesser peoples" a fast track to privately owned prisons and their vast profits. 


Let's write a sci-fi movie with a plot that some distant civilization did ever single thing to insure its own demise. It polluted its rivers, depleted its giant oceans. It poisoned the air it breathed.

If you were a publisher, would you approve this script? Of course not, because it is inconceivable that any thinking civilization would do such a thing.

We not only kill one another at an alarming rate, we are killing the whole fucking planet...the only one we have.

Could someone explain that to me?


"We are living a collective illusion known as the civilized world. We feign concern for our horrendous conditions of poverty, socioeconomic inequality, deteriorating public health, and severe environmental degradation (to which climate change is merely one factor), but everything we do belies that distress." 


Stabbings are at an all time low. And as the mayor of Knife City, I accept full responsibility. This is not who we are. We're stabfolk.



At first I thought this was a shop that carved those.
Then I realized that the "floor" is the top of scaffolding; probably to perform maintenance and/or clean.

Uh oh.

I was once advised by a professor to major in city planning. I think I would have been good at it.

You think the barrels are welded together?

If you find a good article about that, please let me know.


Do want.

*After 3rd failed attempt at naming a drawing board* "Well, boys, I guess it's back to the thing."



Insisting other people use your pronoun of choice is a hot topic lately. And people feign offense if an innocent mistake is made.

Racism has taken an angry turn of late.

This angry turn has entered the ridiculous.

This is a screen shot from a movie.
It's a strip club that featured only fat women.
I assume I'm insensitive for showing it, but I thought it rather funny.

You know when you buy a bag of salad and it starts getting brown and has gross water in it? Doughnuts never do that.





Is that true? None of my bartenders have ever heard of it.


Interviewer: Have you ever made, eaten or even seen a sandwich? 
Dude: No.
Interviewer: You're hired welcome to Subway.





Speaking of soccer...



I can't remember if I told you my latest joke that I'm getting a lot of mileage out of, so here it goes again: I was attacked by a troop of mimes. They did unspeakable things to me.







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