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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, December 16, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

OH, YOU PRETTY WOMAN by Willie Nelson and Asleep at the wheel.


Let's take a moment to thank this man for showing just how strong his opponents' case is.



I tried this and it's true.

The one man who will save the internet.
Greg Wyler founded OneWeb with the mission of enabling Internet access for everyone. In 2018, OneWeb is launching it’s satellites into low orbit. These satellites are designed to provide low latency boadband access for homes, connected cars, trains, planes and cellular backhaul applications.


A member of a Lebanese Sufi Muslim group pushes a skewer through himself as part of annual Sufi ritual to commemorate the birth of Prophet Mohammed at the port city of Sidon, Lebanon.

Referee gets injured in Belgian cup match, gets replaced by guy from the crowd.
The ref got injured in this match, in steps hero Luc BoFFpsmans after the crowd was asked if a referee was present. Usually refereeing matches on a local level, he got the chance to be linesman in a match with 2 clubs of the Belgian first division. He did not make any mistakes and even stepped in to calm the players in some incidents.

Cop tases his partner.
Speaking of cop mishaps...

Photo shows the Sydney Opera House behind some of the 360 university students from Canada and China as they stand atop of the Sydney Harbor Bridge to set a new record for the most number of people standing on the bridge arc at one time.

The Terminator's daughter?

Whatever blows your skirt up.
Now let's imagine he goes home to his wife and as he kisses her on the back of the neck she asks "How was ball smashing today, dear?" 
"A guy stood not 20 feet away and totally ignored me."
"Some people can be so rude."

"Funeral" and "badminton" should just swap their first 3 letters.



You versus the guy she told you not to worry about.

Want to guess what caused this?
Elk pinned to a tree by a long melted avalanche.

I'm thinking tourists have been feeding them, so they come back.

Twin sisters appear to look at each other when seen from afar. But as you approach them, you realize that the sisters are looking directly at you. 

Look at this face.
Now go back and see two faces - a man and a woman.

 I see you have a tattoo that says "Only god can judge me." Buddy, you're not gonna believe what I'm doing right now.


I have a question about global warming that I don't think has been answered to my satisfaction. To wit: What exactly is the motivation of the scientists who it is claimed are lying about the data that supports man made global climate change? What's in it for them? 

And if you ask me about the tiny percentage who deny it, I will point to contrarians being a popular sport now days...flat earth, vaccines, fake moon landings, etc.


Repost this because I really like it...

And more brick Art.

I bet her jewelry gets a lot of attention.
And that is by design.


How very...energetic.
Note toe on the right. I did.

I have FINALLY figured those stairs out. I never really understood that the stairs are very steep and without staggering like that, each step would be too narrow to accommodate a foot comfortable.

Never knew tanks like this existed.
On a related note, I've always wondered why they didn't point some of a jet fighter's guided missiles to the rear in order to defend yourself in a dogfight.

I've often wondered who they took shots like this. A completely empty interstate in a major city ain't gonna happen no matter what time of day it is.
As I understand it, you leave a film camera running, then use a program that removes anything that moves, which of course, includes all the cars.

I've posted several images of people searching WWII battle fields with metal detectors and finding "treasures" like these. 
But other people put it akin to grave robbing. But more interesting to me, they call these people detectorists.


'In an effort to take down ISIS, Iraqi hackers “Daeshgram” have exploited the guilt and anxiety of fundamentalists by posting porn on their official communication channels. During an announcement that a media center will open in an ISIS-controlled part of Syria, Daeshgram posted an image of a naked woman in a porno. A video of ISIS supporters watching the announcement was altered to appear as if the extremists were actually watching a porn projection.'

I can shower and get ready to go to dinner in 20 minutes. It takes my wife 20 minutes to get ready to shower.



Most people think that a Royal Flush is the ultimate poker hand.
Did you know that 5 of a kind will beat that? Of course that only happens when playing with wild cards.

I wonder how they determine that? A survey poll? Yeah, like I'll ever trust a poll after the last election.

See, the thing is, the rest of us would rather look at those magnificent birds than your bird killing cat.

During the past 106 years, over 800 feature films and TV shows received support from the Department of Defense.
These included: Transformers, Iron Man, The Terminator,  Flight 93, Ice Road Truckers, Army Wives, 24, Homeland, NCIS, North By Northwest, Three Days of the Condor, and many more.
They also had input in the final product. In making the alien movie Contact, the Pentagon “negotiated civilianization of almost all military parts”, according to the database acquired through Freedom of Information Act. It removed a scene in the original script where the military worries that an alien civilization will destroy Earth with a “doomsday machine”, a view dismissed by Jodie Foster’s character as “paranoia right out of the Cold War”.

William Faulkner in Paris in 1925 
If I remember correctly, he wrote a story with dialogue only and people have made maps of where on the property the speaker was most likely speaking from. Can't remember the title.


Foie gras is a luxury food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. By French law, foie gras is defined as the liver of a duck or goose fattened by force-feeding corn with a feeding tube, a process also known as gavage.

I would say savage. Relatedly, I'm uncomfortable eating veal, but I still eat it from time to time.

Google Maps showed me the alignment of the houses in my neighborhood and I was aghast.
Hardly any of the houses align with a perfectly straight road. And I hadn't even noticed!

 I always watched The Shining with family around Christmas time to remind them what happens if we spend too much time together.



Give that some thought....please.



How very, very clever.








1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is my take on climate change.

I know and believe it's happening and I think humans are causing some of it.

But isn't it possible that this is just part of a cycle earth goes through? How are dinosaur bones found all over the world in cold climates? Yes I understand Pangea but how long ago did the continents disperse away from one another?

Isn't it possible that the earth and the Milky Way Galaxy orbit within a range of something else we don't know about and every 200 or 300 hundred million years the earth gets extremely warm.

Could the earth just have been in it's coldest faze since humans came along and now is going into a warming faze, that yes, is partially caused by humans but also, is just a normal "season" for earth and regardless what humans do the atmosphere is going to get warmer and the caps are going to melt away?

I'm not convinced humans are doing all of the damage. I would like to see proof it's just humans and not larger phenomenon.

Thanks for your time.

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