About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Some people should stay out of the advice business.

Visualizing a century of Global Warming


Pope Francis wants to change a line in the Lord's Prayer

Pope Francis thinks the English version of the Lord's Prayer "is not a good translation." He's specifically referring to the line, "lead us not into temptation," which is something he says God wouldn't do, but rather "it is Satan" who leads us into temptation.



Is there anything on Earth more cliche than a strand of barb wire tattoo around the upper arm?
RH - The universal symbol of having not imagination.



Well, technically, "most Americans" don't.

Share of national wealth held by America's 1% hits 50-year high

I've read that this is the greatest wealth disparity in history that didn't result in a revolution.

And in desperation what do we do? We give other rich people our money.

And you KNOW this bubble is ripe to burst...yet you invest your last pennies.

If you are even thinking about getting involved in bitcoin, you need to read this:

If celery is 90% water, is the ocean 10% celery?



H - Everything is more fun with a good buzz one.


What the fuck do you think this is?

By anyone's standards these guys and girls don't get paid enough.

This is one way to solve the problem...
I think all bands ought to do that.

This guy just gave away that he is a spy. Can you see his blunder?
The Germans indicate one with the thumb. Two is the thumb and index finger and three...well, you get it.

The perfect throw.

His evasion tactic is the same fighter jets use to thwart the older missiles.
You fly into them, then make an evasive maneuver that is too sharp a turn for the missile. It takes balls of steel, but it usually worked. Nowadays not so much.

This bar let's you know if the restroom is unoccupied.
I was once in a bar that had lights and a loud siren go off if a woman bought a condom in the women's restroom. You can imagine her embarrassment when she came out and the whole bar applauded her.

That one way to get on TV with no talent whatsoever.

How do you prove you are drunker than your friends?

I like the sentence "Where be he." Sounds strange but it's perfectly correct.



This gal hustling souvenir towels at the crucifixion.
Jesus looking back like, "Really, bitch?"

A Korean Starcraft 1 player gets banned from tournament for beating his opponent using his foot.
I, for one, toe-tally understand.

Which would you do first?
Alert the crew or shite yourself?

I can't remember if I've showed this to you are not.
An extreme game of the road is lava?
Could he actually do that or is it manipulated?



That's the way I am when I see lobsters in a tank.

Strangely hypnotic and slightly disturbing
A close up of a manatees mouth as it checks out my camera underwater. The manatees upper lip is split into 2 sections, each section capable of moving independently of the other. The spikey looking things are tactile hairs. The manatee has them all over it's body. It gives the manatee a view of their environment similar to a dolphin sonar.


Dog steals the show...

Waiting for the perfect moment of photoshop?

Look how flat it is.

[Not the actual pistol.]

Next time you think you are having a bad day...









Wealth disparity. What's the good of a revolution if it leads to mass impoverishment? The single hardest lesson to grasp in politics is that the people who promise the lower orders the most are the people who will lead you to disaster, as in Venezuala, Cuba,and the rest. Of course the first step of any socialist is to confiscate 'wealth' without compensation. That means YOUR house and your stuff...

Jambe said...

Regarding the jumper: yeah, he could do it. Hell, I could've done it in my youth. It's a road in a house farm so is 16-18' wide. I jumped 18'9" in high school, and the world record long jump is 29'4".

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