About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, December 30, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Rag Doll ~ Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons


I have been laughing about that very thing for years.

My thumbnail icons just transformed to this shit without instruction to do so. 
It would have been MUCH more difficult to put my blog together without being able to see the image before placing it. Then they reappeared - again without being instructed to do so.
Then I opened my email as usual and hundreds of old emails that I had not seen flooded my screen.
As you can see from this sample page, there were many comments to this blog that didn't get posted because I simply hadn't seen them. Sorry. I still have no idea why these were delayed and others allow in normally and on time.

You may have noticed yesterday that back by popular demand...
It will be the very last item in every post.
You're welcome.





My bartender just asked me if people who are allergic to nuts can eat coconuts. 




I just found out that England doesn't have a kidney bank, but it does have a liver pool.



I've decided to transform myself from well-trimmed Santa to Dumbledore.
It's coming along nicely. The other morning I put on my T-shirt and my wife looked over and said, "You've got you beard in your shirt."
I am certain that I have never heard those words in that order...ever.

This was a serious inquiry in a Korean movie.
Apparently Korea pays students' tuition; which, of course, is the most pragmatic thing you can do to stay competitive in world.

I think this is a wonderful skill to have.

How obvious.
Passing observation - that is one beautiful woman.

Guy watching "In Bruges", in Bruges. Fucking Bruges.
I really liked that movie.

A kilometer-long highway transformed into a pedestrian-only urban garden in Seoul


If the North Koreans does understand what "All options are on the table," they need to talk to the Iraqis.

In 1898. Samuel Clemens signed a hotel register “S.L. Clemens. Profession: Mark Twain.” 

Canada just sits up there surviving, knowing there's a badass big brother to the south that won't let anyone lay a finger on them.

This is a wonderful toy for teaching some physics principles.
I've had a thousand of them. When visiting with relatives, my mother would buy them to get the kids out of the house for hours.

When the cops show up to a party and my white friend says "I'll talk to them."

If I die in my sleep, at least I'll have died doing something I loved.



In case you live under a rock, government can be bought. And it has been.

I'm assuming that is that gel that allows you to do this without even feeling the heat. But had I done it, I would have faced the pool prior to setting myself on fire...just in case.

The Pearlfish will seek food and shelter in the anus of a Sea Cucumber.

Muy thai fighter suffered a skull fracture after elbow shot.
For our amusement.


And on a related note...

And Democrats didn't give a shit.
How the times they have changed.

What could possibly go wrong?

The ride mishap was faked.





How could ANYONE believe that crap?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of my thumbnails did the same thing for a few days. Mac glitch?

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