About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

SUNDAY #3294

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




In an article for Slate, Daniel Engber wrote that Trump ordering the CDC to 'ban words' was inaccurate. No such thing happened, it is a complete fabrication. As more facts are revealed, it proves the "banning of words" was false. It was an internal suggestion on the language to be used in a budget request. In fact, the opposite of the story is true: CDC employees were not "ordered to not use those words," but in fact were selecting proper language for budget request. It was not a 'top down' order from Trump, he didn't have anything to do with it. It was SOP from CDC employees doing their normal jobs.

Views of FO has fallen dramatically in this time between Christmas and New Year. What's up with that?


Y'all stay safe out there tonight, folks.


Some hippie bullshit or a serial killer?

Nuns gone wild...

Who. The Bitch WHO Forgot Birthdays.

They outlawed these because underaged teenagers could buy smokes from them.
Of course every teenager who cared knew EXACTLY where to purchase smokes.

Now there is marijuana...

This is the way I address my weed guy...

I think this whole "WAR" is absurd. But I'm certainly not the smartest or only one.

Have you ever seen my wife really upset?
My wife would scare that woman.

Guess what this Japanese commercial is selling.
A hot water heater.

He looks so....
Normal. Like that one kind of nutty uncle we all have.


What did you want him to do...take a train?

This is the perfect picture to explain how I kill time until it's "go to the bar time."

I'm seventy-fucking-one years old and I just learned that "this little pig went to market" doesn't mean he went food shopping.



So, of late, I've realized that the old "real" photographs were no different than computer altered images.

Marco Grassi
Notice the mahl stick to allow stability without touching the surface with his hand.

I've shown you this before.
Once you see the roof jut out at you, it's hard not to see it do that with other views.

Donald, Winnie, and Mickey of the Apocalypse.

A few lines and a little shading...

And this is what you get.

Want people to know just how old you are? Tell them you used to have a computer room.



This bitch is HUGE!

You know that happens so frequently that they ought to pad the lower edge of those things.


Why does this piss me off so much? These magnificent creatures are not meant to be clowns.
Think about it; some of those could be 80 or 90 years old and you want them to perform tricks for our amusement? Fuck you.


This shows the areas with the most debt. The article stated that the mass of wealth inequality are the millions who literally have NEGATIVE wealth. The owe more than their assets. I am going to assume 95% of them are renters.

Why is there no Flat Mars Society?



My kind of belt buckle.

Then you can flip down the shelf of a thing...

And the ring keeps it in place.

Think of all the stupid traditions that were just made up by people you never met.
And after a certain amount of time you are forbidden NOT to do it, even though that first person to do it was probably considered odd.

Think of the very first person to discover that this worked...

I would like to thank our ancestors who planned a city to have extra wide streets.


Like to guess the reason for this?
It seems that the company had no disabled workers and this door was designed to purposely give no privacy to avoid use by abled employees. Why? Just one less stall to have to clean.


Groundhog Day deleted scene:

Phil the Pool Hustler





He is going to set most of us afire...FOREVER!

I would have called the school for a supervisor.

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