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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Today is the vote to determine if your life is going to change for the worse.
Somebody projected this on the FCC headquarters.

People much smarter than me are very concerned about this.

This is the most compelling argument.


Ruth Lee, a hostess at a Chinese restaurant, flies a Chinese flag so she isn’t mistaken for Japanese when she sunbathes on her days off in Miami. Dec. 15, 1941
I know Internment Camps during the war are distasteful to most Americans. But think about the hundreds, if not thousands of Japanese Americans that almost certainly would have been killed or maimed by a group of drunken rednecks after receiving news of a relative's demise in battle. Now think about the resources required to investigate such murders of and/or protection of those Japanese-Americans.


I have a personal relationship with the scourge that is Alzheimer's. I don't have it, but my wife's mother is sinking daily.
I just wish I could leave instructions that if I got it that I should be put to death. Of course you would have to do this while you are still lucid, but who is the government to force my family to watch me sink to nothingness?

I'm thinking the inside of some castles was not originally so dark.

I'm thinking that decades of torches, candles and fires left a ton of soot. 

Maybe not this white, but who knows.

Read part of an article about this guy being a snake oil salesman. Anybody know anything about that?

And that is precisely the problem. Somehow there are millions and millions of young Americans who have not one skill that anyone is willing to pay them to do. How is that possible?

I received an email that basically accused me of posting one side of a debate one day, and the other side another day. He said it was like I take both sides depending on which day he looked at Folio Olio.
Well, let's take my praise of Elon Musk juxtaposed by my plea for information of his other side...perhaps a darker side. I don't see that as strange at all.
And if you go back a few years you may find that I posted a differing opinion than I did recently. Maybe I changed my mind...which is not only allowed, but should be encouraged.

 “Let’s agree to disagree.”
TRANSLATION: You’re so painfully wrong on every conceivable level of this complex issue that I just need you to shut up now.



A cheese coated cheese sandwich.
Sounds like a lot of trouble for the payoff.

2016 Japan Halfsized Mirco-Mouse Contest Winner.
I watched several other attempts by different robots and they behaved very much like a real mouse. I'm thinking this one had run the maze many times or the handler had a diagram of the layout and programed the bot.

Loophole in Graphene That Could Unlock Clean, Limitless Energy

The team of physicists led by researchers from the University of Arkansas discovered a physical phenomenon on an atomic scale that could be exploited as a way to produce a virtually limitless supply of clean energy. Link:

3yo in bedroom refuses to pick up toys. At playground picks up three cigarette butts, a band-aid, and a dead bird.



I posted this prior, referring to him as the "Swim Reaper."

Come to find out, he spent a lot of time on that beach.



I've learned that if you bring a toy boat into a hot tub and repeatedly reenact the Titanic, in a few mins you'll have the entire hot tub to yourself.



I couldn't agree more.

Kelly Bundy.
Does that young woman look exploited to you?

I'm just going to let this hang out there and you do with what you please.

"Go clean up your mansion." - My dermatologist, to his children, probably.



Let's play What Will Blow Up Next:
A. The parked truck on the right.
B. The moving truck on left.
C. The black truck.
D. The boxes of god knows what in the background.

[ RH - That is worth the time. ]


Well they to get it to the set somehow.

A young woman who used to work for my wife bought an old charger muscle car from a movie. Come to find out all that shit on the hood was fake. The massive chrome exhaust pipes running along the side were fake. And even the emblem that declared it had a huge engine was fake. But it look bad as hell.

Only in Australia you'll see these.
What are the chances?

A. The parked truck on the right.

Maybe eating a doughnut wasn't cheating on my diet. Maybe going on a diet was cheating on my doughnut.



Snatching of vehicle in broad day light.
Or as I read it, an attempt to snatch.





An Australian TV host came within inches of serious injury ― or worse ― when a science experiment with liquid nitrogen went badly wrong during a live segment. 
Notice that it must have grazed her ear. Lucky lady.

From a movie. See anything odd?
He's making a tiny fly fishing lure and the magnifying glass is on the wrong side.

Resisting arrest is never a good idea.



US Army Officer Spraying Disinfectant Over The Bodies Of The Jonestown Massacre

I never really thought about the people who had to go down there and clean of that up.
What a lousy job.


In 1890, a Bronx born theater enthusiast named Eugene Schieffelin took it upon himself to introduce all aviary species mentioned in Shakespeare's plays to the American continent. He began by releasing 100 starlings into Central Park. They proliferated monumentally and wreaked havoc on the environment, even going so far as stripping farms of anything edible. 

They consumed nearly all the eggs of the now near extinct eastern bluebird.
Today over 200 million starlings are in North America and tragic of all, they are "attracted" to jet engines and can bring down an airliner.


The daughter of one of the managers at my bar came outside where I was smoking and told me I left my computer open and there was a girl sitting on the toilet. I asked her to close it for me. Then gave her a dollar.





Welp, that's enough internet for me. Good night. God bless.



The inside of cathedrals used to be covered in bright multi coloured pictures, of saints, moral lessons and biblical scenes. When they are portrayed in films they are always in plain stone, with no painting. This is incorrect.Most of the congregations would have been illiterate and the art would have served a purpose. I can't find many examples of surviving art as they have faded away or been destroyed in the Reformation.

Ralph Henry said...

Sorry, but I can't find information on graphene. You could go back through old posts.

Anonymous said...

"Sounds like a lot of trouble for the payoff". Are you kidding? A grilled cheese with fried cheese! FRIED CHEESE! Heaven-sent I say.

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