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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



The best kind of friend.

I've had so many women look at me that way when they saw me naked.

That's obscene.

My wife has a pair of panties that on the front is written 'I would do anything for love' and on the back it says 'but I wont do that.'

Gary Anderson, the guy who, at age 23, designed the recycling logo for a contest in 1970.



I thought this was wonderful. 
It came with this quote:
"I've been through a lot in my life and gained knowledge (or tried to), hard lessons, and perspective from it all. People's personal journeys through life move at different paces. We can't always see each other's struggles so remember to always be kind. Everyone has things to offer and the world is a better, brighter place if we help one another."

As far as I can tell, there isn't the spate of black boys that were named Obama that was predicted. Why do you suppose that is?



"Cat disappeared for 3 days. So I decided to put a GPS on him. Whistle 3 is awesome. Shows exactly where he goes on a map. I can track him in real time or just get an update every so often. It texts me whereabouts and I can set fitness goals for him." 
Killing and maiming every step of the way.

How to train your dog to jump a mile or so...

If you were sitting on the far left side of that table, would you be able to put weight on the first corner that collapses down?

360 degree radius while keeping half your body safe.

I'd give the guy all the money I had for creativity.
"If it's worth a picture..." is brilliant.

This is how they scan books at 250 pages/min.


The Mediator
I posted that because of Hitler Cat.

Up-armored Sherman tank on Okinawa, 1945. Note extra length of track wrapped around the turret. Never seen that before.

I finally - after months - have found a gif of this small enough to loud.
The tip can be equipped with multiple tips. Like a drill to get through a wall or any other tool. It remembers ever move it made so it can be extracted then reinserted and take the exact same route. And as I understand it, it is very strong.

How to get a seat on a crowded subway...

In a strange way that was very beautiful.

No photographic tricks here.
Surgeon just pulled that suture on the left.
My wife had a surgery like that for her "heavy" eyelid. It was not cosmetic, but medical.

This beautiful person on the top, decided to alter her face so she looked more or less just like every other actress in Hollywood.
She had a leading roll in one of the hottest movies in history, yet she felt she needed to change the face that got her that role.

What do you mean you can't read my mind? We've been together "forever" and clearly you're just not trying hard enough. -Women

We all have our regrets.


Let's play What Happens Next.
A. Dozens of clown emerge.
B. A naked woman emerges.
C. A whale tosses the cage up on the boat.
D. First a huge shark emerges, then pieces of a human body.

I said, "Whoa!" damnit. 

Bike sharing company, Bluegogo’s, CEO Li Gang seems to have said it best when he described himself as “filled with arrogance” in an open letter apology. Gang also cited criticism for running a promotion on the anniversary of the Tienanmen Square protests showing bike icons depicted as tanks for contributing to the company’s downfall.

His reaction...

Gentle Reader, it is permissible to run from peril. Girl in black could have been in real danger if the window had not stopped the bus.
But what's up with the sex chair hanging in the corner?

Top-heavy vehicles are a real no-no.

The most famous awkward moment on Youtube.
Remember he had just demonstrated all the awful stuff that goes into a nugget.


Never fight a cop. They practice such things all the time. Do you practice such things all the time? I didn't think so.


This happens more times than I would have thought. Of course if you hold on to the handle bars while your body is thrust forward, the physics flips you.

Example #2

Why these people need to get paid more money.

D. First a huge shark emerges, then a live human.
(I lied, but technically pieces of a human body did come up, they were just all attached. )

I would have told her that I just removed her make-up.



Awry? Hell yeah it's awry. That poor bastards.







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