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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




It's that time of year when you hop into your car and just start screaming fuck until it's warm again.






How do flatearthers explain phoning someone in Europe and it being dark there and it's daytime here? Seriously. Anyone?



Me answering my phone when I don't recognize the number is like picking up a hitchhiker.



This man built his forge shop the old way.

Do you have any idea how much skill this takes?
He even made wooden hinges.

Then he painted it all a hideous shade of red.
Why would he do such a thing?

Why, indeed.

This is called over driving your view.
You should only drive at a speed that will allow you to stop at the farthest you can see. Why would any professional not know that?

I understand why we have air shows.
It is actually a recruiting tool.
But I'm not keen on having it directly over the crowd...for obvious reasons.
Go back and notice the pilot ejecting.

I would really like to know if the language in the upper right is Korean.

I am often appalled at how some people park.
But that is just absurd.

Why would anyone agree to do this?
Youtube points?

Why do we still allow this to happen?

This is what proper care yielded.

Some more about the series The Punisher.
Has ANYONE ever SEEN a panel on the roof of an elevator that you could just pop off and gain access to the shaft? Why do so many scriptwriters fall back on this gimmick?
This guy is the star. He is getting a gash in his head sewn up with out deadening.
Once I got hit in the back of the head by a drunk army guy and I was so pissed I told the doctor to sew it up without drugs of any kind.

What if they kept the name Redskins but changed the mascot to a potato?

I can't believe I forgot to go to the gym again this morning. That makes 21 years in a row now.




Not to brag, but my wife got high score on her bathroom scales today.



That's a lot of goddamn money!

Could this be true?

Ben Shapiro Dismantles Societies Sexual Hypocrisy

Women walking around in their underwear is not the fault of men.


I would say "I would pay good money to watch them do that naked," but they may be underage.

If you shoot a space alien, cook it, and eat it, there is no laws determining whether that would be hunting or murder.



How wonderful.

Now think of the person who designed all that.


Why do that when you could have it driveable?
Compressed air "engine".



Really? But the free market of today has been rigged.




1 comment:

Jambe said...

Yes, that's Korean. Here's the video it's from:


It's from one of the big 3 SK newspaper outfits detailing their response to some NK activity (I think to NK's Sep. 3 nuke test). Apparently they've adopted the M167 for coastal defense?

Regarding the lego "engine": it's absolutely an engine! An engine is just a machine that converts some form of energy into mechanical energy. You can see 64 of its 256 cylinders running here:


It's a damned marvel.

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