About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Stupid Cupid ~ Connie Francis (1958)


Dallas UFO Jan 14, 2018 1:32pm

Well, I have a theory.

Seen with differing light it could look like that.
And that is a relatively small aircraft. Imagine it being a huge bomber at mach speed.

Growing fissure on Rattlesnake Ridge near Yakima, Wa.

The county has preemptively declared an official disaster.

I don't mean to be cruel, but if you were not only the richest man alive, but the richest man to ever live, would your wife look like that?

A comment yesterday:
"Flat Earthers come from a substandard educational system that places feelings and political correctness above math, science, and reading. Making sure that someone's self esteem is not upset or that someone is not offended, or does not get his/her participation trophy/medal creates "Snowflakes" who cannot deal with the real world later in life."


And lest we forget, on the bar we laid slips of paper with every team in the playoffs printed on them and the eight of us bid on them. Minnesota went for $9. I got New England for $7.
We like this method of team allotment much better than drawing out of a hat, or whatever you do to leave it up to pure dumb luck. If you don't want to bid higher for your team you have no one to blame but yourself.
I actually thought Pittsburgh would win this year, but I was outbid...thankfully.


[verification needed]

If that's not true, please don't tell me.
I knew a lot of guys who only joined the Vietnam protests because that's where the hot (and morally loose) girls were.

[verification needed]

Maybe they don't want to eat chicken with autism.
(now go back and read that guy's comment above)

Yes, that is correct. Over the weekend power prices went below $0 in Germany,  in essence paying customers to use energy.

I find this very interesting.

What the hell does "pretty much identical" mean? That phrase has no business in a science article.
That's like saying "pretty much an infinity" or "pretty much dead."


They take discarded porcelain from factories and cast the pieces in a mould with recycled aluminum as a binder. Crushing them with a steam roller is their favorite part...or so it stated.

The ceramic for these tiles came from a factory that makes Japanese liquor bottles.
That paved Charleston, SC's sidewalk with crushed oyster shells in much the same way.

Some people have what they call Lucky Pants. I don't consider anything that's touched my balls to be all that lucky.



I think all politicians are just out to screw us and profit themselves, but this guy tops them all.
I should add that I despised him before him being elected. Now he doesn't even try to hide his fucking of the middle class.
Just listen to all the bravado coming out of his mouth. Who do you know who has the need to constantly tell you how great they are?

This is what makes America great.
In a country where everyone but the Native Americans came from somewhere else, we should all realize that immigrants are an asset, not a liability.
News people today were talking about our need for a lot more workers to pay the looming yoke of social security for the boomers. At present the burden is falling on a smaller and smaller group of workers. 

Because there are some people out there to tell you that helping regular folks will lead to socialism, and, of course, socialism is evil.
These people need to visit Sweden, arguably the happiest country on the planet.

Just like it was yesterday. God I loved that stuff. And if you put too much in, it would settle in the bottom so had to stir constantly.

Originally designed for the West German army, the Volkswagen Type 181 is a two-wheel drive, four-door, convertible, manufactured and marketed to the public from 1968 to 1983. But sold in America on in 1973 - 74.
I fell in love with that car, but by the time I saved up enough money they were off the market. And nobody who owned one wanted to sell it.

Works for me.

Middle name: Destroyer?
This stupid shit is getting out of hand.

I don't know how anyone can survive the stress of having people try to kill you day after day.

I don't know if the numbers are correct, but just look at that image and imagine doing that day after day.

Apparently this bus driver never heard about not hitting girls.
I bet if we knew the whole story we would think she needed knocking the fuck out also.

I eat my pickle wedges I get with sandwiches like I would water melon just to fuck with other diners minds.



One little thing going wrong and he could have been in serious shit.


A male placed several dozen magnetic beads into his urethra.  Unable to remove them (the large clump you see broke off from the longer strand as they were magnetically stuck together forming a lump too big to leave the way they came in). This required a 3 hour surgery to remove each bead.  One by one.
Sounds like fun.


Georgia O’Keeffe portraits taken by Alfred Stieglitz.

Oh, my.

Pointing out that there are steps that can be taken to avoid being victimized is not the same as blaming the victim.




That was during the Cold War when America wanted to take a shot at the godless Soviets.



I wonder how many people will get this.
But this is the World Cup year that I've been waiting for.  Let the gambling begin.
I pulling for a Central America team...Any Central American team.

Is that even legal?

The average fighter pilot, despite the somewhat swaggering exterior, is very much capable of such feelings as love, affection, intimacy and caring. These feelings just don't involve anyone else.



Russian trench knife with single shot .22 handle.


That is one of my favorite cartoons...ever.

Radioactive emissions from uranium visible to the naked eye in a cloud chamber.
But what's all the stuff falling to the bottom like rain.

Do you think he had to be taught how to do that?

How to know if you have too much money.
In Dubai.

Many years ago on cable TV they had a live stream of an aquarium, called The Fish Channel.
The bar where I hung out back then had it on the TV and we used to gamble on the fish. For instance, I would slap a dollar on the bar and say, "I bet the yellow fish turns around and goes out the left," etc. Once when my fish was exiting the side I had bet on, my opponent ran around and slapped the side of the TV to "scare the fish." I called a foul and grabbed the money and the other gamblers agreed with me.

U.S. Route 50 - Known as America's most lonely road.
Also that very narrow mountain road hundreds of feet above the valley floor with very tight turns and no guard rails with a 12 inch gravel shoulder that was sloped down toward the abyss. 
I fucking freaked for the first time in my life.









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is a link concerning the bus driver, and yes, she had it coming.


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