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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 23, 2018

FRIDAY #3347

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Golden Earring, “Radar Love”


This is what victory looks like.

Every four years the world falls in love with curling.
The rest of the time, not so much.

If I know anything about Capitalism, I predict that companies will simply stop hiring them. And if the lawmakers insist that the companies hire them, then I would fight for each law firm at which the state representatives work do the same.
My wife hangs out at a local coffee shop that brings in special needs kids who need work experience. Now imagine her have to pay someone who needs twice the supervision the same as her other employees.
[ RH: Please don't bombard me with anecdotal tales of special needs exemplary employees. That's not the point and you know it. ]


I had no idea of this configuration.
I assume to predators it looks like a plant.

This is what happens to aluminum when a 1/2 oz piece of plastic hits it at 15,000 mph in space.

Is this just a concept or are they building it?

In some cases I can explain that with places like NY where millions of people don't need a car and places like California where everybody has at least one car. But why Colorado?


I'm addicted to Krispy Kreme donuts.

[ RH: I wish all six of those students the best of luck. ]

I'm not so sure about an inner child, but I have an inner idiot that surfaces more often than I care to admit.



What kind of alchemy is that?



How clever.



The color of crab meat.

Hot ticket.



The US is starting to look like a Sim City game someone got real tired of.

[ RH: I love humor like that. ]


I am in favor of marking each lane with the minimum speed allowed, with overhead radar signs the clue you to slow down or speed up. Get the slow, dangerous drivers out of the fast lanes.

[ RH: My mother only insisted I take two things in high school: typing and public speaking. She was a very smart lady. I used both throughout my life. ]

I have always wondered if every one thinks in pictures as I do. Not always, of course, but particularly when I'm solving problems.

School districts have the same top heavy insanity.

What an interesting image.

"Who the fuck are you to touch me?"
I love babies.

[ RH: That sort of reminds me of one of my most favorite sayings: They are not against you, they are for themselves. ]

Wernher von Braun with the F-1 engines of the Saturn V first stage at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center.
The US was very fortunate to get the majority of German war scientists. Of course Russia's raping and shooting of Germans probably aided in that effort.


In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, why didn't the scientists dig up the monolith on the moon and take it back to Earth to examine? 

Do you know where the HAL 9000 was built? Urbana, Illinois.

Also, one of the scientists on the moon was named, Ralph. Ha!

Fascinating the colors people use to paint their apartments.
I think that tells a lot about the occupants.

It's a computer goddamnit. Remember my preferences. That goes double for Netflix; it should be customizable but it has been asking me if I want to continue watching a bad movie I stopped watching but for 5 minutes in 2007. Why doesn't it have an "Omit" button?

At a motel I once pushed all the continental breakfast tables together. When asked what I was doing replied, "Pangaea breakfast."

[ RH: Love my nihilism. ]

[ RH: I love the way that underline skips things like the tail on the Q. ]

What just happened? Seriously, did he hit a cow? If so, why didn't it effect the plane?

Bear can't continue the chase because the human greased the tree with his own feces.

They don't seem to be in any hurry to save the guy.

I think I've shown you this before, but the reaction of the ground crew is priceless.

And that is one reason so many people get shot by the police. A man who appears unarmed but has a concealed knife can get to you as fast as that cop got to the perp. The safe distance is like 20' and if you keep advancing, they ought to shoot you for their own protection.

Stupid bastard.

"Highway Robbery"....wink, wink.


The interweb has taught me that this happens much more often than I would have thought.

"No Homo," said God as he put some men's G-spot up some guy's ass.



My good friend, a PE teacher in the school where I taught, told me that when in college a professor assigned them to invent a simple game and come up with the rules. No matter how simple the game, he could find a way to screw it up.
For example if the instructions stated you were suppose to throw the ball from 40' away, but it didn't say you couldn't use a sling to hurl it. "Hit the ball and run to first base" didn't say to stop, so he would keep running.
Remember, a rule book not only tells you what to do, but what you are not allowed to do.

This is called Bo-taoshi, two teams of 150 people each side. 
One team defends the pole from being toppled over by the other team.

Problem solving at its best.

Would you call this assault?
I would.

One of the most miserable duties in WWI.
The motor was in the crew compartment so to speak.








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