About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 16, 2018

FRIDAY #3368

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I'm proud of the kids...


The Hawking Wit

And then there's this...



"I've seen the first lady naked." That's a sentence that shouldn't ever be said.


I submitted another Letter To The Editor concerning a huge "Problem" they have "Discovered" in this college town I live in:

"I have been reading your numerous articles on the problems in Five Points, and have a couple of questions and observations. Have any of your editors and writers ever been in college? If so, the odds are you had a fake ID. I did. Everyone I know did. I attended USC in the early 70s, and I can assure you that underage drinking was the least of our problems. Passing off a fake ID is like a game ALL young people play and has probably been going on since the Dark Ages, in every country. It is just a thing humans do...rebel against authority. I find myself rooting for the young people in their quest for their own sense of self."


Louis Armstrong

When The Saints Go Marching In


Advertisers are, by nature, liars.

"...freshen up your flaps."

"Accept no Substitute."

Squirrels always act like it's their first day of being a squirrel.



The Stratolaunch is now the world's largest aircraft, used for atmospheric launch platform for spacecraft.
I would bet that the presence of two windshields and cockpits is so that both air frames could be built identical, thus cheaper.


This guy is back with his fake books on the subway.


How very clever.


Some people are much more creative than others...


Finally, realistic mannequins...


I once painted a piece of furniture along these lines.
Mine had a flat black inner box to hold up an outer box that was cut like draped material. I painted that box with shadows, etc, and on the top I painted a Time Magazine with the boss' face on the cover. I also painted a #2 pencil and everyone who worked at that ad agency told me they had seen people try to pick it up.





Texas Curling



This was a great gif but I couldn't use it because my blog host don't accept this format.

The moment in BIRDMAN when a crew member, disguised as an extra, unhooks the wire allowing him to fly.

It was extremely subtle. The image below was about one frame in the film. You can see the guy's hand reaching up to the cable connection.


Boy, does this need a short story to explain it...

I miss  pay phones. Sometimes I just want to say hello to someone and also get hepatitis.




When jellyfish and bubble ring collide.
Kind of funny, actually, when you think about that guy trying to explain to his friends what just happened.


I know normal people don't get an erection when looking at this, but...
But I'm not a normal person.
It does look a little top heavy, don't it.


Low Pass in a Hornet


My friend went to Brazil and said that when you go to buy drugs on the corner there is a line, and they serve drinks while you wait!
What a wonderful time to be alive.


Anybody explain this to me?
You can see the marks made by prior piercings.


Child Rearing Around the World
I tend to agree with that.







When you have a clap light in your bedroom, rough sex also becomes a rave.



I feel rather serious about this, so listen up.
This animal is suffering from a severe manmade mutations that resemble birth defects.

Oh, sure they can act "normal."

But why not this...

Can you imagine a horse, cow or, say, lion born with such deformity?

It would most likely be put down to put it out of its misery.


In the war on female nipples, call me a warrior in the equality army.


Our children of over-evaluated. Every educator seems to know, yet nothing is done. 


After mixing that, just cook up some brats, cut up in bite sized pieces, dip, and eat.


I should rename this section Schadenfreude, cause I find them hilarious.







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