About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


A life well lived.

Here are just a few of his contributions:

He helped prove the existence of singularities and answer questions surrounding the gravity produced by them: Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems.

Co-discovered the four laws of black hole mechanics.

Developed the theory that black holes emit radiation, now known as Hawking Radiation. Probably his greatest contribution to science.

Contributed to the theory that time and space did not exist prior to the Big Bang, this is still one of the most widely accepted theories on the initial state of the universe: the Hartle-Hawking State.

Contributed to the theory of cosmic expansion. The idea that the universe expanded exponentially at first and then slower over time after the Big Bang.

Argued against Peter Higgs that the Higgs boson did not exist and could not be proven. Recommended Higgs for the  Nobel prize in physics when the Higgs Boson was discovered in 2012.

Wrote A Brief History of Time, that explained topics in cosmology in non technical terms that the public could better understand. Also authored Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays, The Universe in a Nutshell, On The Shoulders of Giants, and God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History.

Hawking radiation explained.
Well, kind of.

Steven hawking died on Albert Einstein’s birthday.



My wife posted this:


Several months ago I predicted that the Republicans would get desimated in the mid-term elections. Consider this a harbinger.


Seriously shit. 


Young man organized a high school walkout and is thrilled at the turn out. Imagine that. Kids had to coaxed to skip school and one guy takes credit that they actually did it. All of that aside, I am very proud of these young people. This is their country, too, and they deserve a say. Activism is a wonderful thing to see in a generation that doesn't get any credit for their social awareness.


Country Comfort ~ Elton John



The internet has fallen in love with this aircraft.



"Alexa, play march music."



Vanilla sex is old fashion positions like missionary.



Six headlines of note:

You might see that punching bags are even better hugging bags if you'd just calm the fuck down for a second.






Probably the coolest Nerf gun ever.



These are just stacked metal pipes.


Lowland Gorilla doesn't like to get his hands wet.


Why during WWII was this deemed appropriate?


Caption read: "I think she's having a baby soon."

Can anyone explain this to me.


How could he!


It’s important to tell everyone you think Valentine’s Day is just a dumb, made up holiday. As opposed to all of the other holidays, found naturally occurring in the wild.




Vanna White on The Price is Right.

That gets funnier and funnier the longer you look at it.
It looks like he's saying, "DAMN!"


I heard a pregnant girl say how easy she thinks it will be being a mother because she has a nephew.



Retirement home humor...

I saw a girl who had a "hit it like a champ" tattoo on her pubic bone and that, fathers, is why your presence is important.




I've said often that this man needs a statue in every capitol city in the world.
Uri Gagarin died in a very mysterious plane crash after criticizing Soviet leadership.


That's true.


I want so much to believe that.


Every single generation says the same exact thing.


My main man, Johnny.

My favorite part of Pretty Woman is her joy when he agrees to pay $3,000 for 6 days, effectively lowering her rate from $100/hr to $21/hr.

I'm the guy who asks waiters if there is a corkage fee for twist off caps.



One of the most noble of human endeavors.


Caption read: Angiogram showing damaged/decreased vascular tissue in the index finger of a yo-yo master.
No, that is a person with Raynaud's disease.
Why do people lie for no payoff?








Foot wash-off guy doing his job.

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