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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Information of the twin astronaut having his DNA altered:


14 March was Einsteins birthday for course. He died 18 April, the birthday of David Tennant. Who, in turn, died in the future.





That is absolutely amazing.


I know we have discussed this in another post, but I have many new viewers and they need to know about this.
Girl got bone cancer in her knee and doctors amputated her knee and grafted her foot backwards on to her upper leg to serve as her new knee for maximum mobility.
Do you think she paints the backwards toenails?


Every child needs a dog.

Once in 1st grade the girl sitting next to me, Adrienne, forgot how to write her name, and another kid confidently came over to show her how and he spelled it with 3 z’s. It was my very first experience with a mansplainer.



Tide instantly freezing on impact with the beach at Weston-super-Mare.
"Who want's to live where the air hurts your face and you have to spend an hour or so shoveling snow before you go to work?"
"Me! Me! Me!" shouts millions and millions of otherwise intelligent people.
Meanwhile I'm sitting out on the patio at my bar and thinking of moving because the direct sunlight is getting a little warm.


Well, everything has a downside.


Question: Do you think those idiots would be doing that crap if there were no camera phones around?

And this...
Illegal things we do to get social media attention.
And the whole Tide pod eating bullshit. Not having camera phones would not end the insanity, but it would greatly reduce it.


Not just soccer players do it anymore.



I'm assuming he looking at his phone.
Plus, I thought it was impossible for the door to open unless and only if it is in the proper position.


Another classic "Not my job" situation. But easily fixed with exposed hinges.



Nice car.


Kid gets his just desserts.
You don't hear that term very much anymore.


You think they planned that? For the camera?


Now we can't even sleep in a tree for safety.


Reminded me of my stroll across the traffic circle to the Arc de Triomphe, before I noticed the pedestrian tunnels leading from one side to the other.

I think the English and Australian phrase "On the dole" is very poetic...unless, of course, you are actually on the dole, then I assume it's much more problematic.







Must be Australia.




Reminds me of that Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie dog.



Not really up with the whole politically correct thing.



I have no idea what that is about.







My wife knows that now.

[inventing chalk] We want something that young children can use to play and learn with, but we also need to be able to outline dead bodies.



Is Angela Jolene an African American?



Many years ago I read an article by a futurist who said that unrepaired potholes will be a sign of a looming dystopia.
Oh, shit.


It's a grandfather's job to do that.


There is absolutely no excuse for that.
And I don't think it is so much not being qualified because there are millions of jobs with no experience necessary. It's called working your way up from the bottom and it's a good thing.
I think 99% of the problem is things like being late every morning or taking too many days off, etc.

Hitting the nail directly on the head...


Cute, but having no skill that anyone is willing to pay you for is totally unacceptable. Can you imagine some Mayan sitting around with no skill and expecting others to feed, clothe, and shelter him?

Speaking of jobs...

I also think young people would rather have a status phone rather than reliable transportation to get to work regularly.


I know how to do this on the cheap.
Here's how the big boys do it:
Here's the way I do it:
I use clear shelf paper...the vinyl kind. Then I tape the design to the back of the glass. Then I look through the shelf paper and the glass and trace the image with my Xacto knife. The sandblaster is an extreme low tech affair once you have an air compressor.
You just stick the hose down in a five gallon bucket of sand and fire away.


Really got my thinking. When someone dumps their problems on you, instead of immediately saying something like "Here's what you ought to do..." etc. Instead ask, "What are you going to do about that."

Here’s some unsolicited advice: Try avoiding unsolicited advice! 


[verification needed]


Where do I sign?


How absurd! This is not a beach or a city park. You DO NOT have to clean up for a multi-billion dollar restaurant.


You ever heard the old saw "If it walks like a duck..."? Have you ever seen any primate walk EXACTLY like a man? I rest my case. 


This seems to be a growing problem. Here are some comments to the article:

-I bought a bottle of Robitussin and got a promoted tweet from Robitussin on my feed only an hour later. Please let me out of his nightmare.

-Bought wiper blades at Wal-Mart with my debit card, get home, Hulu ads for wiper blades.

-You don't think Alexa is deaf unless you say her name do you?


That had to hurt.
And one I may have posted before...






1 comment:

Fardygardy said...

isn't the difference between human DNA and chimpanzee DNA only about 1.5%? how can the astronaut's DNA change 7% and not be obvious, like a horse or something?

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