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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 30, 2018

FRIDAY #3382

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Restaurant in Toronto, Canada that uses fresh hunted meat like boar and venison is not fazed by protesters.
This is the appropriately named owner/chef Michael  Hunter.
I'm not gay or anything, but that is one pretty man.


US is woefully behind due to Vaxxer's irrational fears.


Then there's this asshole...

The man actually said that we all "ASKED FOR THIS ABUSE" with the terms of service agreement.

I do not use Facebook.


There's a lot of that going around...too much.



The Roseanne revival premiered March 27 on ABC to 18.2 million viewers, and the Conner family’s return to television outperformed expectations. In 2018, Barr’s character Roseanne Conner supports Trump, and the first episode examines how the 2016 election caused both personal and political divisions among American families. She said receiving a call from the President was “pretty exciting” in an interview with Good Morning America on Thursday.
One of my wife's best friends is a professional comedian who let that bitch stay at her home rent free for six months. After she made it big my wife's friend called her and was told that Roseanne "Had new friends, now."
Fuck that bitch.


She had an option of taking that or $1M, but it would have been taxed.


One of my bartender's 40" TV went out and her husband came home with a 36". She made him exchange it, saying, "You can never downgrade on a TV. Same size or bigger, but never smaller."
I think that's not a new rule, but started as soon as it was invented.


I am one of the very few people who have actually touched a nuclear warhead. So, I kind of feel responsible.

It's call Tsar Bomb and it's over three times as powerful as the next most powerful bomb, Castle Bravo.

Let's look at the visual of its potency.

And remember, Tsar Bomb is three times bigger than this.


-Estimated Fatalities: 7,000,000+

-Estimated Injuries: 4,000,000+


-Estimated Fatalities: 6,000,000+

-Estimated Injuries: 3,000,000+

Let us pray.


Turkish bread.


Idea for bake sale...


Cotton Candy Consumption Contest




I think that was a hand ball.


I know a guy who re-landscaped his whole huge yard complete with pool. He also had built a man cave/workshop and before it was all finished he had knocked the corner off of that building four times.


Of these two men, which job would you rather have?


She took up golf to relax.


I really don't know what goes wrong with some gifs. If anyone has a very simple method for viewing these misfits, please let me know.




I'd pay good money to see her do that naked.



Get yourself a plan B.









This has upset a lot of people, but should it make any difference that the puppy was terminally ill - which it was?

I've always found it odd how we get upset over the death of some animals and invent devices for killing others.

He probably saw his own reflection in the phone and thought it was an intruder.

Speaking of cameras, this big boy found one.


At that age, my daughter was afraid of her toothbrush.



Baseball Player Danry Vasquez Assaulting His Girlfriend
I have talked to battered women who told me it was their fault for upsetting him.


I think I remember that you couldn't migrate to Australia without either a huge chunk of cash or a college degree. That sounds like a good idea.


It as long baffled me that so many people endanger themselves not only ON PURPOSE but PAY for the opportunity.

I don't believe that.


When you're driving in a high tax paying county and you cross over to meth country.
That is so very true.


Melissa Stockwell - First lieutenant and Paralympian
First female America combatant to lose a limb. She was leading a convoy in Iraq when a roadside bombs went off. 

Birth rates are much closer to the 2 children per family now - down from 5 children per family in the 1950s. Hans Rosling has studied birth rates and population rates for decades and found that smart people are misinformed. 


This is a nature post, feel free to rest here for a minute before returning to scrolling.









1 comment:

Michael Harris said...

It doesn't matter about it being a 'hands ball'. He is a goalie.

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