About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 31, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


"Once Nolan published his findings in 2013, Ata was no longer an “it” but a “she,” and as such, the tiny mummy should have received all the protections given to the remains of any other human."
"Furthermore, the researchers themselves concluded that Ata, whom Dorado calls “the girl from La Noria,” was likely born (born?) just 40 years ago, meaning her parents could still be alive."



Remember this from a few days ago?
His comment:

"By the way, I told my girlfriend about her being mentioned in Folio Olio on Tuesday the Viewer's photograph...
And now she has an over inflated opinion of herself!!!"


Note: I've given this post much too much time and somehow it never got better. Not very proud of what you are about to see, but hey, they can't all be gems.






A little too busy for my taste.





Recognize that wave?

Wife is happy she can fit into her skinny clothes again, but I think it's because they have stretched out from me wearing them when she's away.



Pictures of windows adhered to tiles in bathroom in Lithuania.


I’ve had dreams like that, Tetsuya Ishida


Rebecca Szeto


How wonderful.


I have no idea why I included that.


How clever.


I don't know how many years on Earth I have left, but I'm going to get real weird with them.



A repost I still enjoy.
How very, very wonderful.


I know exactly what that means.








No details, but what a powerful image.

In America you are either the duper or the dupee. Strive not to be the dupee.




What does a king do when he doesn't want to return to his palace? He grunts and grumbles.

Car just turned onto the right exit ramp with his left turn signal on. Why?

They were from North Korea and has never had meat.






I mean I probably shouldn't, but...



When you laugh at something you shouldn't have, so you pre-book your place in hell.

Animals should be food, rugs, trophies or your best friend.










1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great post as always, don’t sell yourself short
- daily visitor from new york

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