About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 29, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Kemerovo Disaster
"Please help spread the truth about the fire in the Kemerovo mall this Monday March 25th.  Russian state media is underreportoring the death toll -- 64-- when there are more that 400, with 300 being children."


This past June, 500 pounds of a specially fabricated crystal buried in an Italian mountain seemed to glow just a little brighter. It wasn’t the first time, nor the last—every year, the signal seems to increase and decrease like clockwork as the Earth orbits the Sun. Some people think the crystal has spotted a signature of elusive dark matter particles.


Look, if you forgave Bill Clinton for getting cum on a young intern's dress; sticking a cigar up her vagina; and having his dick sucked more times than we can count, then shut the fuck up about Trump getting it on with pros.


Meteor Strike off the coast of Australia
Doesn't that, by definition, make it a meteorite?



My wife said this over the intercom and it may be a sentence that has never been uttered before: "Your pill box is sitting on your cremation box."


I've cooked enough to know that with that wind, that meat is much too far from the fire.


Sunken Cypress Forest off Alabama coast.

One of the most surprising discoveries was the sap that leaked out of the wood when it was cut, sap that had to be tens of thousands of years old.

You can see it under a microscope in the image below.


“If there’s a third world war we want to make sure there’s enough of a seed of human civilization somewhere else to bring it back and shorten the length of the dark ages,” Musk said.
[ RH: That's one elegant statement.]

And...AND the guy knows how to tell a joke.


Startup Creates 3D Printer That Can Build Homes in Less Than 24 Hours



As you should know, I am in awe of rock formations which leave me humbled.

As I understand it, a core of a volcano hardened in much the same way mud dries up.

But in every venture there is a chance of misadventure. 


This from a gif that wouldn't load.
This man is lying on a layer of CDs of various colors.

When the camera backs off you get a sense of the scale. He's the tiny spot in the bottom of the beard.
I'm assuming it's on a roof.



As a toddler my daughter woke up upset that she couldn't find her glasses, but what really set her off was when I told her she didn't wear glasses.



This man eats the hottest chip in the world.


Eddie Van Halen and David Lee Roth at McDonald’s, 1978


I would bet money he's a Russian.


Put me in the game, coach.


People fucking with the ice cream man who fucks with everyone.
This is not her first rodeo.


A wonderful bartender left the bar for full time studies and she texted the present bartender to give me a hug from her. And he did.
That young man and his friends are going to Vegas and I gave him $100 to lay a bet for me that Green Bay would win the Super Bowl. We shall see. But remember, I've never lost a bet with a bookie.


Pope John Paul visits the set of the Blues Brothers, here having his hand kissed by John Belushi. 
That's extraordinary! I would have bet money that never happened.


Old news, I know, but I liked the cake.


Those zany mega-rich guys.


Elvis Presley with his folks. They look like real cool cats who were down with his rock 'n roll music, right?
Well, they look like nice enough people...I guess.


I am of the belief that for a life to be well-lived you must love somebody more than you love yourself. Spouses and children come to mind.

If there is a downside for loving someone so very much, it is when you lose them.

Rule 32: Whoever made the last beer run gets the last beer.



After that first gag I feel I should remind you...
















Imagine being so fat that you brag about walking.



A shoe made of shoes.





I bet they didn't have a cork screw and she tried to shove the cork down in the bottle.



To the girl who ratted me out to the teacher for taking home a piece of chalk in the third grade, I still hate you, Mary Jo, and probably always will.


*Might Not Be True




Loneliness. Fear of catching HIV. Kink. No matter the reason for why someone might want to hump a sex doll, the Zambian government is against it. In fact, Zambia's politicians are so horny to put a stop to the import and use of such sex toys that it's become a top shelf political issue.







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