About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Don't You Want Somebody To Love





This from a message board yesterday.

I have no idea who the guy is, but uncharacteristically, I am thrilled.



The Onion is so very wonderful.


I don't care how you feel out that old news, it's just not fair.


Transexual Ken doll?


Worldwide Corruption


Why don't women draw vaginas?


Guy uses cigarette butts as tile spacers.
Rather clever. Invention is the mother of necessity.

Based on how poorly my burrito was wrapped, I assume it was made by the one person at Taco Bell that has never rolled a blunt.



Every boy needs a dog.


Do you think the mother would abandon it if it couldn't make it?


These two young people are on their first date.


The reason some people in India detest having daughters, is due to the cost of getting them married. Marriage cost are borne by the girls parents, and extra costs if the grooms side asks for dowry. So, girls without fathers from poor backgrounds have a lot of difficulty getting married. Steps in their savour, a Diamond merchant - Mahesh Savani, who hosted a mass wedding for 111 couples near the city of Surat, in the western state of Gujarat. To date he has married off 800 of his daughters !!!

Mr Savani, who describes himself as a "foster father" to the women, also shelled out on gifts worth up to 450,000 rupees ($7300; £4600) for each of them. "We gave them gold and silver ornaments, utensils, electronics items, clothes and all the expenses related to marriage," he says. He's also committed to paying for "post-marriage expenses", including maternity costs. Mass marriages are common in India as a way of cutting down on costs for poorer couples. "I do not ask for any donations for the mass marriage. This is my endeavour, as there is nothing more pious than giving away a daughter in marriage".


Ultra-rare quadruplets
I would have arranged them by size of forehead pentagon.


The first New Zealand Naval officer with a native Maori facial tattoo.


Better mom than some humans.


Just relax a moment...


She looks like somebody famous.

Do you pronounce it data or data?




Big Ass Fan



Asian parent's expectations...
When I was teaching, many black parents demanded that their unqualified child be put in advanced classes because they read almost all AP students go to college and they wanted their child to go to college. They, of course, didn't have a prayer of passing and the whole fiasco only embittered the child toward school.



What the fuck does that mean?
I would counter that given the right chemicals at the right temperature in water, those chemicals just make life. It's what they do...like a rule.





It's called a meme and it's funny, damnit!


And you read data and data two different ways, didn't you?




I have a shotgun just like that, and the first time I fired it, it almost got away from me, too. I put a perpendicular grip on the front.


Score one for the good guys...


A repost, but just noticed there is snow everywhere, thus cold....too fucking cold to jump in water.


The look of innocence on his face.


Gary Kremen, the founder of Match.com, encouraged everyone he knew to join it, including his girlfriend. She eventually left him for a man she met on Match.com. 


Just think, he could be doing that exact same job in Miami...in the sunshine.




I'm assuming the stationary ladder does not reach the ground.


South Carolina has started the very clever, yet dead serious campaign.
Pain Killers are just Plain Killers.

You may need to open this in another tab.

Uses her thumbs to lift her bra straps like an old time politician would his suspenders, saying "I'm the mayor of Titty City, bitch."





Wait for it.


I will never tire of these.


Norway 2017 Ladies Tour of Norway race interruption...



This is well worth a look:


It's called defense driving and this is why it is important.


That is one highly motived driver.

Are there gambling handicaps in the Para-Olympics?








Nice bracelet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...read data and data two different ways, didn't you?"

Yes but, I also read read as read.

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