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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com 


Florida lawmakers passed a resolution declaring pornography a public health risk, less than an hour after they rejected a motion to consider a bill that would ban assault rifles.



I wonder how many US viewers will get that.


And now the headlines you may have missed...


Pakistani police have arrested four people accused of stealing spinal fluid from women. The suspects told women they had to provide blood samples to qualify for financial assistance from the Punjab government. They extracted spinal fluid instead, and attempted to sell it on the black market.



Soldiers in dire need of horsemanship training.


Belgian miners in the elevator, before the descent to the mine, 1900.
Claustrophobics need not apply.


German SS guards, exhausted from their forced labour clearing the bodies of the dead at Bergen-Belsen, are allowed a brief rest by British soldiers but are forced to take it by lying face down in one of the empty mass graves, (1945).


Soccer fans - Wisla Krakow – Chelsea FC. Krakow,1936


Van Gogh and Gauguin drink with some post-impressionism artist. Second to the left Emil Bernard, third from the left Vincent Van Gogh, in the middle André Antoine, and on the right side Paul Gauguin. Paris, December of 1887.


English suffragette Annie Kenney is arrested during a demonstration in London in 1913.
What a confident smile.


Empty rooms of the National Gallery of London during World War II: all the paintings were hidden from the Nazis.
As I understand it, all the Art was returned.


A Hooverville in the Central Park of New York during the Great Depression.


Those zany Nazis.


A group of tourists sunbathing on top of the Great Pyramids in Giza.


Unknown group
Nary a smile.


Yes, I know the rule.

But this is the most poignant photo I have ever seen.

The shadow of a man left by the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima.


Don Knotts and wife


The way life is supposed to be lived.


Chinese couple find out they were in the exact same picture, years after they were married.


Russian Anthem plays prematurely.
I wonder if anyone died because of it.





Here's my take on that: They are making a movie and needed a crosswalk where there was none, but the city wouldn't let them paint the street.



Evil man from Green Mile in movie Moon. I liked it.

But they just woke up a clone who was in hibernation for....ever, and the motherfucker had dirty feet.
Do those movie people get together and just think of ways to get to me?


Fuck thieves.

Question: What was whispered in ref's ear that causes that reaction?

Well, take a look for yourself.

You probably missed the gun he had strapped on his hip.

The Greek Super League has been indefinitely suspended after PAOK Salonika's president invaded the pitch with a gun during a match on Sunday. Ivan Savvidis, who had a gun in a hip holster, tried to confront the referee while accompanied by his security team, after his side had a late goal ruled out for offside against AEK Athens, in the gif you see someone approach the referees and warn them Savvidis is armed. AEK's players left the pitch concerned for their safety and did not return. The match was officially abandoned two hours later and local police are seeking Savvidis to arrest him. Deputy sports minister Giorgos Vasiliadis announced the abandonment of all top-flight matches on Monday after a meeting with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

RH: The only thing stopping a bad soccer team owner with a gun is a good soccer team owner with a gun.

But wait there's more!


Said to be Banksy's but I doubt it...



How embarrassing.


What kind of necromancerology is this?


In poor neighborhoods this is a real problem.


Feeding Crocodiles.....
I assume a farm.






Artist Tatsuya Tanaka


John Wilhelm creates delightful pictures of his daughters.



And here's one I just ran across and thought I would wedge it in here.







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