About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Wild Thing


It has been reported that for some posts it is impossible to open all the gif and images. I ran into this problem years ago and it turned out that phones are not as good as computer in this host site. Sorry, but it's a fact.


From a loyal viewer:
"Watch this video from Egyptian TV and you realize how fucked the whole region really is."

Atheist kicked off live Egypt TV show for 'inappropriate' ideas: 'Go straight to a psychiatric hospital'

I've noticed that in sit-coms every wooden door uses the exact same sound effect and it's pissing me off.



Poor quality lumber can be identified by the number of knots.
That piece has about two knots per foot.


And on the other side of the scale...


I love those but they turn as hard as a rock in the time it takes to get it home.




Beef Wellington?


The look like they just stepped out of a little UFO.



From a bad Korean move...
I had the great pleasure to grow up near a bamboo thicket. It was much thicker than this one and couldn't be walked through. Stalks as big as a man's thigh.


Word of the day:



So says some guy with a computer.





A final gesture to the Catholic Church.


I find that extraordinary.



I would bet money on it.














I have personally never met anyone who regretted having a child. I found it profoundly fulfilling. A level of love you didn't even know you had.


Now we have hit on why some people simply can't keep a job.


If I'm not mistaken, these are the smartest of all dogs.


Pay attention.

How about this...

No. That's Spanish for "no."




Bummer, that.


Unbelievable odds. Two artifacts from the same stone?
You might want to study that carefully. If true that is amazing. However, there are modern day flint knappers who might have created those.


Restoration like this leaves me in awe.


Looks like it wearing a sweater, don't it?





Save some pussy for the rest of us, grandpa!

Eyelashes are supposed to prevent things from going into your eyes, but whenever I have something in my eye it's always an eyelash.

Get it?


Background guy.






1 comment:


I have an excellent PC. On an average day I can open a third of your items without resorting to "Open in new page" stuff.

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