About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018



One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

As a youngster I took a ballet class, but failed because I got caught cheating on the final exam.



One of the oldest sight-gags on the internet...


Aid air drop.
I assume that is to scatter it out to curtail villagers fighting over it.


USB Emergency Tool

It breaks out windows.

It cuts seat belts.




Do you think it was made that way or the pawn just slipped inside the queen?


Today's moment of silliness...



As I recall, this didn't load the first time I tried...


See anything odd?
Looking at that landscape, probably above the timber line, where did they get all that firewood?


[ RH: What a wonderful idea.]


Yes, now you child can play thermonuclear war for...fun.


Your corndog is exploding.

Cattails were everywhere when I was growing up in Alabama. Some people say you can eat cattails when they are green before they get pollen and then turn brown. Boil them and eat with salt and butter. Let me know how that works out for you.

Nobody makes a fool of our family without my help.




Long before self-driving cars...


Who trusts this much?



This seems to be a thing now...


This is Paralympic swimmer Kate Grey who lost her arm in a sausage machine accident as a two year-old.
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to read that caption again...and use your imagination.


How much alcohol do you think fueled this?

I’m too busy sleeping it off to get it on.

My kind of humor.


Wild gorilla meets researcher's wife.
Okay, the researcher probably knew the gorilla wasn't dangerous. But in my opinion, no one had the right to endanger a child.
I suspect that one is stuffed.

The running of the bulls is one of the stupidest of human activity.
At first I thought the men were standing on the bull's horns.





Who the f*ck bleeps out Heck?


It bothers me that he's not looking through the gap he made in the blinds.


Proving that you know nothing about physics.




Gun safety PSA
Stigmata challenge, the new millennial craze.

You could expect that from average citizens, but these are professionals with their trigger finger wrapped around the bang lever.




Do you remember when Superman flew very quickly around the Earth to get it to reverse its rotation and that caused time to reverse?

And we let the script writers get away with such non-sense.


But remember, before he learned how to do that, there was a period of unsuccessful "practice."

Being too sensitive will waste your life.










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