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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 5, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Massive lava fissure causes evacuations in Hawaii.
That's fucking terrifying.


In preparation for Sunday's El Classico, they are televising old events. The one I'm watching now features Messi when he about 19 years old in 2007 - back when he was called Leo Messi. And yes he scored to tie it at two at halftime. Then he tied it at 3 in stoppage time. 


I like this shower very much.


I posted this idea months ago and now it has been built.

I remember the exact day my daughter taught me that a book of postage stamps makes really expensive coloring book stickers.



It's called "Det gode kup", translated to the good bargain. It stands at the entrance to Aalborg Zoo, Germany and has been there since it opened in 1935.


Yes, I like silly.





What a wonderful idea!
What I mean is giving the public a book of stickers or something to place on graffiti that they hate. A little criticism never killed anyone.


I only know how to spell the word amateur because of all the porn I watch.



We should all be thankful that city planners laid out wide thoroughfares from the beginning even before they were needed.


How wonderful.


Anybody know what these people are harvesting?

Remember those warhead globules from the movie The Rock with Nick Cage?

They are really Brussels Sprouts.


I wish this had continued longer...
I have known two professional game designers. They made good money and both worked in environments with nap rooms, games rooms and were ENCOURAGED to play often.


I really love things like that.

A friend made an announcement at my bar - "I'm thinking of legally changing my name to Fucking Serious." After a slight pause, I asked, "Are you fucking serious?" And my friend deadpanned, "Not yet."




The work of Simon Stålenhag

And my favorites...





Painted Lady

What's there not to like?

I hope I never go to jail because I haven't memorized a phone number since 2004.



There are great demands put on civilians in time of all out war.
Mostly recycling and the purchasing of war bonds.

But a great emphasis was placed on quality control.

And paramount was the need to keep your mouth shut. Any information on troop movements was abetting the enemy.

And, of course, the demonization of the enemy.


But sometimes the art was the message.
I have no idea how that last one aids the war effort, except to stress the importance of going without, like rubber for panty waistbands.


Victory Garden.
I've shown you this before. During the war, citizens were urged to plant food for personal consumption. The image above illustrates how three crops can be planted on one small plot.

I like bees. I see a bee, I keep it. I don't care whose bee it is. Should have been watching it better.



Many times great photography necessitates getting into the right place at the right time.
Here is an image sent from a long time viewer here at Folio Olio.
He explains:

"This is a 12 image panorama of the milky way body over the iconic Lions Head in Cape Town, South Africa. I have been wanting to get this photo for a while now but is only possible when the conditions are perfect due to the extreme light pollution from the city center and surrounding suburbs. The perfect conditions require a new moon and low fog rolling over the city from the Atlantic ocean to help reduce the light pollution so that the milky way is visible. I have attempted this shot several times which includes hiking part way up Table Mountain and more often than not just sitting in the fog. I finally managed to capture this photo at 5am yesterday morning just as the fog was starting to roll back out over the ocean. Bucket list photo for me."


Juxtaposing beautiful young nude women in old decaying surroundings is popular these days.



I placed this in the photo section since the images are all that's left.


This looks like one of those eye track apps, but because of dot placement don't think it is.

Women who dry swallow pills should not be fucked under any circumstances.



God that looks good.


I may have shown you this road trip before, but it still looks like fun.


Back when people actually hated war.

The Vietnam War brought young people together more than any event I can think of.
But in all honesty, if it had been fought with an all-volunteer army, it would not have been condemned. The truth is, the draft disrupted lives and nobody wanted that.

Also, the protests were where the loose women hung out.

Sorry about your idealism, but this is true.












The Normandie was deliberately destroyed by Albert Anastasia, as a pretext for releasing 'Lucky'Luciano from prison. It was correctly claimed that Lucky could directly influence the dock unions' members in favour of the War.

Anonymous said...

Loved all the murals you featured even though some were much better than others.

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