About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, October 26, 2018

FRIDAY #3589

One Of My Very Own



More of these people...


Shouldn't there be a cop, a biker, a cowboy & an Indian with him?

Hot candle wax...
How much alcohol must that take.

Do you think today's young people would be up to that?


Every high school student knows that Isaac Newton discovered gravity, that Charles Darwin discovered evolution, and that Albert Einstein discovered the relativity of time. But when it comes to the composition of our universe, the textbooks simply say that the most abundant atom in the universe is hydrogen. And no one ever wonders how we know.”

Cecilia Payne’s mother refused to spend money on her college education, so she won a scholarship to Cambridge. She completed her studies, but Cambridge wouldn’t give her a degree because she was a woman, so she said fuck that and moved to the United States to work at Harvard.
She was the first person ever to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe College, with “the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy.” Not only did Cecilia Payne discover what the universe is made of, but she also discovered what the sun is made of. She is the reason we know basically anything about variable stars (stars whose brightness as seen from earth fluctuates). Literally, every other study on variable stars is based on her work. She was the first woman to be promoted to full professor from within Harvard and is often credited with breaking the glass ceiling for women in the Harvard science department and in astronomy, as well as inspiring entire generations of women to take up science.
Cecilia Payne is awesome and everyone should know her.
Since her death in 1979, the woman who discovered what the universe is made of has not so much as received a memorial plaque. Her newspaper obituaries do not mention her greatest discovery. 
RH: We should have a Cecilia Payne Day where everyone gets in science museums for free.

Me: Why'd my bill go up?
AT&T: You got rid of your land-line. 
M: But it should cost less if I have fewer services. 
AT&T: And we threw in a donkey. 
M: I don't want a donkey. 
AT&T: Donkey removal is an extra $50.



Don't they watch the internet?


Remember this guy?

A parent seeing that would shit...literally.

So much internet advice.

Robber runs into cop.



This is why you don't approach a cop aggressively.

How they deal with it in Alabama.

Professor: Most of you won't pass this course.
Me: Cool so you're like, a really shitty at your teaching job?




You might want to zoom in on some of them.

Boiling water vs -30 degrees Fahrenheit.

I posted the image in the inset a few days ago. Want to guess what the other image is?
Trying to fry eggs.

He was referring to whether he should kill himself, hardly a proper topic for pre-schoolers.

But I do like this guy.

I haven't seen any of these in a while.
Spencer Tunick


David Fullarton
I've run across this guy again...finally. I love his work and expect to see more.

A strange movie about a man who returns home from a mental institution.
Or a prison. Never know for sure.

Good advice.

I find it odd that when someone dies we refer to them as late, like my late Aunt Polly. Aunt Polly isn't late, she ain't ever coming again...forever.

What kind of restaurant patron are you?




"Things I can fit in my anus" for $200, Alex."

You asked.

Painted over mural gets an apology of a sort.













Fardygardy said...

Don't really care for your new title to the "Women Who Look Like Sluts But Probably Aren't" section. Hussies is such a wimp word (certain not a man word... you bowing to feminist pressure?). If your growing women readership demands not using "slut", why not change the title to "Women I'd like to meet... maybe"?
Love your blog. I am an avid daily reader.

Anonymous said...

I second the motion made by Fardygardy.

Also...why are there two seemingly fresh steak packages in the meat case with sell by dates 2 months apart?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear fellow observant person, I have numbered each image I post to help you and I communicate more easily. I would not have had to scour the post had you just told me what number it was. Thank you for your understanding.

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