About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 27, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Due to not being smart enough to solve most of the Monday Punday puzzles, I have depleted my stockpile. Therefore I will present a puzzle that I have not solved and asks you for your input. I will place it early in the post to give you time to think about it.
 The little number below the puzzle is so I can enter any and all of your suggestions into their site to see if your solution is correct.
This is what I know about the game:
1. Numbers matter unless it is 47. 47 just means it's a random number.
2. The answer can be a person, place, thing, or phrase.
3. It helps me to jot down lists of every word that could be used to describe every item in the puzzle, then read them across in random orders.
4. You will most likely have an OH-HA moment. not once have I not known the answer was correct when I typed it into the site to make sure.


Good luck and try to enjoy.


I started asking questions early in life.

When it came to Midas I wanted to know how he ate and drank.  Was his powers only at his fingertips or the whole finger or his whole body, meaning if he touched something with is, say, elbow, would it turn to gold? Would gloves stop it or would the gloves turn to gold? How did he wipe his ass? 

And I had a million questions about one of my mother's favorite sayings.
She would state, as a matter of fact, that no artist could paint a sunset as beautiful as god can make one. I would ask why not and, of course, she didn't know.

When I was growing up the rules were completely different than they are now.

I've been to fairs where the girls came out on the stage naked and let random men kiss thier vagina.

Freaks were ever popular.
Although nowadays she would be called your doctor's receptionist.

When I was 12 years old or so, there were federalized troops patrolling Main Street in my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama.

EVERY boy had lots of toy guns - most of which made a loud pop with the trigger was pulled.

I've always been a proponent that there is no such thing as useless knowledge. I taught all my art students this fact:
Great trivia question: Where is the London Bridge?
The answer is Arizona.

For centuries, children and kindergarteners have sung and danced to the tune of London Bridge is falling down, but when engineers discovered that the London Bridge was actually falling down in the early 1900s, it was no laughing matter. The stone bridge was just over a century old and was the busiest point in London crossed by 8,000 pedestrians and 900 vehicles every hour. Surveyors found that the bridge was slowly sinking—about one-third of a centimeter every year. When measurements were taken in 1924, they found that the bridge’s east side stood some 9 cm lower than the west side. Another four decades had passed before the City Council could arrive at a decision. A Council member suggested that instead of demolishing the bridge, they should try to sell it.

Why do paintings of people centuries ago never show pimples? As if people who drank shit water and took baths 2x a decade had clear skin?








Sorry, your team lost. Maybe you should've told the players what to do more loudly from your recliner.



How adorable.


This must have been a doozy.

Again, there is a fence within feet. Why not use it as a ladder?


I hope he's cleaning that instead of painting it, but that looks very much like an airless sprayer.
Those triangular devices to hold the walk board are called ladder jacks. They come in really handy but are a bitch to climb over.

Let’s get this party started.

The gateway belief that leads to your becoming an anti-vaxxer.



How to give granddad a heart attack.


"No one goes to Target because they need something. You go to Target and let Target tell you what you need."
  - My wife



14,000 years old bison sculptures found in Le Tuc d'Audoubert cave, Ariege, France.
I've never seen anything like that before. Wish I knew the scale.

More from David Fullarton


Want to guess what this is?


3-D tattoos

Are any of these last four art?

Hell, I don't know.
But that one sure brings back some memories.

I'd like to know if that is documentation or posed.

You're welcome.

 I feel like people are in such a hurry these days, that there isn't enough moseying happening anymore. Don't even get me started on sauntering and lollygagging.



I wonder how many times in a row it can do that.

Got in a discussion about militarizing these. My friend predicted that if you and I are aware of that robot, then the military is years ahead of that. 

Thank you, Neil.

Follow the sun, Tweets at sunrise.

Mars, smaller than you think.

The meandering Mississippi

Proud of himself, ain't he?



Closed the bridge too soon.









Anonymous said...

Metro Gnome


Chris H. said...

Yep, it's metronome

Anonymous said...

I've experienced yet another coincidence with a past post. After reading today's post, I clicked on the random link and it took me to #2540, Dec 2 2015. In that post you also mentioned men licking the vaginas of carnival strippers.

Im interpreting this as the universe telling me to go to a strip club today.

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