About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



The downside of making plasma in your microwave.




And there it is...the mistake.
The hanging man's shadow is level with Batman's. It should be much lower on the picture plane.


I want to open a dog training school and call it Harvard so people who went to Harvard will always have to say "no the one for people."



I've been to many cities and Paris is my favorite.
I stayed in a converted nunnery, ate in restaurants, and visited shops that were all older than my whole country.

Cruise Missile in mid-flight
Saddam Hussein didn't see it coming either.
Hussein stated that he had to continue to perpetuate the myth of his WMD to deter Irani aggression.

In the early 1970s, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology created a computer program to predict what will happen to planet Earth and the humans who live on it. The computer model, called World1, used data including pollution levels, population growth, the availability of natural resources and the overall quality of life. Here's what it found: "At around 2020, the condition of the planet becomes highly critical. If we do nothing about it, the quality of life goes down to zero. Pollution becomes so serious it will start to kill people, which in turn will cause the population to diminish, lower than it was in 1900. At this stage, around 2040 to 2050, civilized life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist."

The bad news: according to the computer model, we're right on track to make that prediction come true.
[verification needed]

Sign on Canadian Highway in Toronto

Conservative Hindu groups prevented women from entering an Indian hill temple on Wednesday, in defiance of India's top court which says the centuries-long ban at the holy site is illegal.
Religion's war on women has got to stop.

More female candidates than ever are set to contest Afghanistan's upcoming parliamentary election, braving violence and opposition from social conservatives in a campaign seen as a test of the war-torn nation's democratic institutions.

An increasing number of births happen outside of marriage, signaling cultural and economic shifts that are here to stay. That number is even higher in the European Union where public healthcare systems, paid paternal leave, early education programs and tax incentives give unwed parents support beyond what a partner can provide. The data show such births in the U.S. and EU are predominantly to unmarried couples living together rather than to single mothers, the report says. The data suggest that societal and religious norms about marriage, childbearing, and women in the workforce have changed.

The US Has A New Export
At least 19 people were killed and dozens injured at a college in the Black Sea region of Crimea on Wednesday when a student went through the building shooting at fellow pupils before killing himself, Russian law enforcement officials said.

Freeway interchange in Guizhou, China.
That is probably an artist's rendition, but it was stated it is now complete.

Salem Witch Trials House Goes on Sale
The 1638 house of John Proctor, who was falsely accused and subsequently hanged during the Salem witch trials for witchcraft. Listed at $600,000, this six-bedroom, two-bathroom house in present-day Peabody, Mass., has many historic features intact.

Netflix has such a dead movie selection, no wonder half the time everyone just starts having sex instead.



Custom made for Joseph Merrick?


Your target are two dumb American women.


A friend of mine once said he hated it when at night the pillow pushed his mustache into his nose. I told him my problem was when the pillow pushed my mustache up and under my eyelid.



How very clever.
I'm surprised the powers that be allowed it to stay.


 "Does anyone else smell barbecue, or is it just me?"
   - Joan of Arc probably



'64 Falcon rebuild
It took him three years.
But why that car? Jesus what a waste of time.

Winning Strategy: Run under the drone.

Jesus fucking Christ, man, are you insane?!?

Now for the finale...

Nature's power mesmerizes me.
But not enough to get that close to it.
Never ever touch a stranger. That is assault and the retaliation was not only justified, but legal.
And then white people are shocked...SHOCKED!
Remember my advice: If you don't fight, you can't fight. 

This looks so wholesome...
It reminded me of the beloved music teacher who taught violin. For a teacher to do so they all have to sit behind the student and wrap their arms around to reach the student's hands. Well, one...ONE student said she felt his manhood against her butt and he was summarily fired...within 3 years of retirement.

God, I love these, especially with a gravy covered hamburger steak next to them.

Guy put his coat on the back of his chair, then turned his chair and leaned back...over the shredder.

 “Are you insane? Did you escape from a mental institution?” she flirted.



Can we assume that's a whip on the end?


I bet that is very effective.

I came up with this when I researched that news. I have no idea why they changed the image.




It's called situational awareness and it's important.

What a wonderful sentiment.


And Lono doesn't make you cut your dick off.






Chris H. said...

Why did you say that the mass shooting in Russia is an American export? That's not Russia's first mass shooting.

Ralph Henry said...

Why? I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Empty V - MTV


Dr. WeTodd said...

Somebody's Triggered...
Do you know why Ralph?

Anonymous said...

Remarkable issues here. I am very satisfied to look your post.
Thanks a lot and I am looking ahead to touch you. Will you kindly
drop me a mail?

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