About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 12, 2019

FRIDAY #3760

One Of My Very Own


Theresa May extending Brexit

More images of M87’s black hole

These are Andrew Chael and Mareki Honma. Mareki invented the algorithm used in the stitching of the black hole images and Andrew wrote most of the code.

Inside my black hole...




Could we talk about my old friend situational awareness? I stay perpetually confused by people who never take the seconds it takes to take in their environs with a special eye on potential danger.


Often the problem is not understanding the physics of two-ton objects going 70 mph.

I almost missed this on the first viewing...
His face. 

What Happens Next To The Light Gray Car?
A. He wrecks into all three other vehicles in the intersection.
B. He has a really close call.
C. He enters a shop.
D. It bursts into flames. 

C. He enters a shop. 

Maid tells homeowner she hears some strange noises in the nursery.
 The woman at door was looking up, so ceiling must have been failing visibly by then.


Having a daughter in middle school makes you realize every song ever written is highly inappropriate.





It bugs the shit out of me that the four-block vertical one didn't close that hole. 

It's called a Cog Presser and I see no reason to disbelieve them...
The sheer power that requires. 

 This guy makes beautiful Steam Punk doors.
 I would have called them portals.



1. Sailor
2. Comedian
3. A most succinct version of the Bible




I have a real thing for things like this. The waste saddens me.






Dead Malls
Why not tax as abandoned property with options to lower rent to attract tenants or raze and sell the land to other developers? But these things lower all surrounding property's value.

Petrified Forest National Park -Discover fossils that more than 200 million years old in northeastern Arizona. 
I recommend that everyone visit that at least once in your lifetime.


To prepare yourself for having a kid, every night before bed say to your phone “Siri, Set an alarm. Surprise me.”



Rich people, shockingly, get preferential treatment in the legal system.
William and Sara Hickman are being charged as ringleaders in a $26 million insurance fraud case. Fortunately, they only had to spend $100 thousand of it to be allowed out of prison to go to Disney World.

A day that will live in infamy...



[verification needed]


There is a physical line where the neck meets the face. It begins at the bottom of the ear and runs at what can best be described as the top of the neck. Beards are not meant below this line resulting in a neckbeard. I know because I am somewhat of an expert.




I was fightin' this daylight savings shit but this morning I planted twelve acres of soybeans and fed the cows. Didn't even know I had cows but there they were.




A 1927 Hollywood Studio map listing different areas of California for shooting different parts of the world.


Japanese prefectures with their names translated into English.

Butterfly Projection

Since people have been asking, here's a Butterfly Projection with Antarctica clearly included.

Van Gogh: Take my ear as a symbol of love.
Girl: Ew I don’t want this. 
Van Gogh: I’m glad you like it. 
Girl: Can you even hear me? This is GROSS! 
Van Gogh: I love you too. 



Modern Great White Shark vs. the prehistoric Megalodon.

This bird doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do.

I find it interesting that having been feed by its mother in the nest he thinks real life will provide for him the same way.


How Anti-Vaxxers Sound to Normal People.


If I am allowed to call economics a science, then this fits in this section.
What's up with Ukraine? 

Sauce: https://www.sciencealert.com/a-new-male-birth-control-pill-has-been-found-to-be-safe-in-its-first-major-test

From the article: "Male reproduction biologist Dr. Christina Wang."
I found that hilarious.



My wife freezes leftovers so she won't have to throw them away...for 8 months.



I know that's silly, but I found the picture interesting.


Not that there's anything wrong with that.




Notice the way they lean into the slide as if expecting it. 






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