One Of My Very Own

I Googled that and apparently it is real. At first, it looked rather photoshopped.
Exhausted momma gets a snack from Dad.
Complete and total submission.
New human fathers could learn a thing or two from those dogs.

Did you notice they did not inflict harm? Yet they still managed to demonstrate dominance.
That ended much differently than I anticipated.

I will post each of these as I acquire.
But what if it was just resting?

Not in a million years would I allow that killing machine around my newborn.
Parasitic worms hide in fish's tail
The comments featured this gem:
"Welp, guess I'm never eating fish again."
Just cook the shit out of it, Sparky.
Madrid, Spain hosted the nation’s first ever sleeping competition. The point, aside from getting the recommended eight hours of rest per day, is to bring back the tradition of napping after lunch.
Participants only had to nap for 20 minutes. They were monitored by judges and pulse monitors. Those who slept for the full 20 minutes were awarded 20,000 points with bonus points given for most interesting sleeping positions, outfits, and loudest snoring. The winner was awarded about $1500 in prize money.
Organizers of the event say it was hugely successful and plan to expand into other countries next year."
Netflix needs a category for my wife that's called "These Are Those Movies With That Guy From That Show."

That is what you call a red hot pan.
I really like creative ideas like this.
"This man built a coin-operated feeding box for crows. And this is the proof crows can use a vending machine."
I'm thinking he hopes the crows will go out and find coins off the ground, thus turning a profit.

I would buy one.

I don't understand how that happens. I have two tattoos with words and prior to inking my flesh, the artist shows me a printed decal that he will use to place the design on my skin prior to inking. How could the person reviewing that decal not notice that error?
I wish girls who want boob jobs and girls who want boob reductions could just venmo each other some titty.

Well, now they are just showing off their superb foreplay game.
The safest woman on the beach...

I would surely break my other hip.
Syrian Lannister?
It's called slackline and this kid is good.

Road rage is so very stupid.

He doesn't look much like a combatant.
Here is a sickening video of one driver killing another in a road rage incident.
I have placed the gif at the very end of this post if you care to view it, but be forewarned of its awfulness.
I only posted that as a warning to never, ever exit your vehicle during a shouting match with another driver. It just isn't worth it to prove your manhood. I consider every other driver on the road a homicidal maniac and treat them as such - seriously.
I once had a dog that lost his mind with excitement when I left for work instead of when I got home.
<>In this day and age, a nuclear-armed superpower is still attacking its smaller and weaker neighbor.
I am, of course, referring to Russia's intrusion into Ukraine.
My thoughts are with you, my friends. ^^22^^
Vaxxers' rationale can at least be understood - big pharma wanting more of your money. But what is the motivation of scientists claiming the world is a globe?
How do you explain the observable?
You recruit yet ANOTHER conspiracy theory.
Not as farfetched as you would think.
Abraham hears voices and instead of getting the medical help he so desperately needs, he acts on them.
Then there the story of the talking snake.
No truer words have ever been spoken...
Me: [opening door and tossing in an apple]
Doctor: [diving on it] GRENADE!

Well, let's examine what should be considered to come to that conclusion.
In America, many people loathe their jobs.

That should be your first clue that we have a problem.
What criteria should we use to measure the greatness of a country?
Surely that should count against the tally of which country is the greatest. ^^28^^
As should this:
"If any of you ever get this text... please respond right away. My good friend shot himself minutes after he sent this text. No upvotes, this isn’t an upvote situation. This is an “it’ll never happen to me” situation. Call them, while getting into your car to drive. You will not forgive yourself. Just fucking do it."

Americans kill themselves even though they can feed and house themselves. The majority of suicides are not destitute.
Our form of governance allows some very stupid people to enact our laws.
I have mixed emotions about our warmongering.

But the way we treat our veterans is disgraceful.
I have used a VA hospital on numerous occasions and it is a joke. I like my primary caregiver to AT LEAST have her verbs agree with her subjects.
Then we must factor in the decades of debt accrued by young people struggling to get a degree.
Oh, but it is said, we are free! Well, we imprison more of our citizens than any other country. Whether this is because we are over-criminalized is really not the point. Whether our lawmakers are bribed by the for-profit prison industry to enact stronger and stronger laws is not even the point. The point is that we as a nation seem to LIKE imprisoning its citizens. Does that sound like a freedom-loving country to you?
And why would so many of the citizens of the greatest country in the world want to take mind-numbing drugs? Maybe we are not as happy and satisfied as we say we are.
The wealth gap has gotten completely out of hand. I don't mind people getting rich, but I do mind rich people hiring lawmakers to pass tax breaks that excuse them from paying their fair share. And don't pull the raw data out that rich people pay 50% of the taxes, a moot point when the top 10% have far more than 50% of the money.
Give this a read:
-- In conclusion, I think that the government has three primary duties: Public safety, public education, and public health.
Oh, sure, we have the largest military in the world, and for that I am grateful. But what about on a local level? Think of the inner slums of every major city...the murder zones of the country. On that local level, public safety breaks down.
Then there is public education. Do you think any other country would require teenagers to burden themselves with decades of debt to get a degree from a STATE OWNED university? No. They would realize that highly educated people are a nation's greatest asset.
Lastly, public health. The nation's greatest strength is its people, and the people's greatest need is good health. You do the math. Yet we in America regard health care as a luxury even though we spend nearly 20% of our GDP on health care. That system is broken and the country that put men on the moon can surely solve this problem.
Please don't get caught up with labels. Labels are only good to divide us at a time we need to find common answers to our problems. Let's take the word "Socialism." This word is used as a curse word by many on the right. But the way I see it, socialism just means that the people come first. Social well-being is paramount.
I failed art in middle school on purpose just so my report card would say “F-Art” which surely foretold my career as a blogger.


A. The gray car ignores the cart and immediately is hit by another car.
B. Jesus Christ puts the cart in the proper area.
C. The guy in the gray car steals the cart.
D. The cart is full of merchandise that the driver steals.
B. Jesus Christ puts the cart in the proper area.
And don't try to tell me that wasn't the real Jesus because then I get to use your logic and say "Prove that he's not."
A. A car drives by.
B. A large boat drives by.
C. Plane lands.
D. The man burst into flame.
A. A car drives by.
A. Hammock break, lands in the water.
B. Tree falls on her.
C. A large bird attacks.
D. Monkeys harass.
Not to brag but drunk me just decided to start taking pictures for sober me in the morning.
Some of us just fake it better than others.
1 comment:
Re post #31: "They would realize that highly educated people are a nation's greatest asset."
This speaks volumes and is so true.
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