About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 15, 2019


One Of My Very Own





Hail flowing off a roof.

Curly stick flows with the stream

I wish every parking lot looked like this.
Solar parking lots would provide shade and protection for the cars underneath (as someone who lives in the South, I would certainly enjoy not entering my car when it's 150F inside after a few hours in the sun) and it could become a major source of clean energy - think to recharge electric cars.

Only 1500 years or so before the microscope was invented. Back then he was on the same scientific level as "you got ghosts in your blood."
RH: How about he was one of a thousand men who had outlandish theories but Marcus just lucked out by guessing the correct one?

 Good thing we melted all our icebergs.



Maybe someone will work on erasing student loans next.



After he explains the riddle you might want to take a guess before continuing on to the solution.


My wife eats her pizza with a knife and fork, yet eats her salad with her fingers by picking through and finding the specific vegetable she wants if you are wondering why we never go out to eat.




 Is it possible to learn this power?
Wouldn't that just be a memory dump?


 Bless her heart.

Russian Bitchslapping Championship
I think most of you would agree that slaps should land on the face not the side of the head in the ear region. 

Does she look like the superior race? I think not.

Self-reflection will lead even the staunchest racist to the same conclusion.

What is it with people who reject scientific fact as if their opinion is just as valid?

This from the series Chernoybl.

I don't give a shit if you fantasize about the earth being flat or that the moon landing was fake or chemtrails are poisoning us or all those other silly fads, but some anti-science is fucking dangerous.
If you think all the climate scientists are either mistaken or lying, then I behoove you to do more research...much more research.

I thought they cut their balls off, not their dicks. Am I wrong about how the whole eunuch thing works?
Everybody needs a hobby...I guess.


My family plays "Catches the comatose body at the wedding."




Speaking of...
 Girls, Please Explain
 Kids rent a truck for only $19.95 just to abuse the shit out of it.

After careful research, I have discovered one of the very few children in the world who are...

And that child is my grandson.
I mean that...perfect...in every way.

I've posted this before but I have questions.

Is it the girl's basket or is she just walking home from school and throwing the basket was a spur of the moment impulse?
Was she aiming for the chicken?
Is the baby with the stick "chasing" the chicken?

In any case, this is a good segue to the next section.


I got arrested for punching a mime and the judge sentenced me to six months of community theater.



Exceptionally useless box
If you consider eluding boredom useful then it is not useless.

Incredibly thin bread don't you think?

I would have at least squatted as quickly as possible to lessen the chance of breakage. 


I would think using his feet would be far more efficient. 

 So it's come to this, has it?




This gif was about an animal scratching himself on a walkway.

But why is the walkway covered in wire mesh? Seriously, there had to be a problem that the wire solved, but what? I'm thinking to keep beasties from crawling up through the cracks.

Another nice segue.


When you have kids, finding a marker lid in your house is like finding a pin without the grenade attached.




I always smile at theses.



I found that fascinating.













Scott James said...

Monday punday = Stripper pole

Anonymous said...

Hi! I've been following your web site for some time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you
a shout out from Dallas Tx! Just wanted to say keep up
the excellent work!

Jon Crooks said...

I'm thinking the chicken wire was for traction

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