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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

SUNDAY #3888

One Of My Very Own





When my daily web search finds only poor quality items I tend to lower my standards. This is one of those days. Sorry.


1972: By the age of two, Annie Laurie Alexander had mastered the art of escaping from ropes binding her hands and feet, while underwater. 

I think I met that girl back in college. 
I suspect that letting a two-year-old do that nowadays might earn the parents a visit from protective services.

Who would think that is a good idea?

The Competitive Sport of Pole Sitting.
“Sportsman of the Century“, one of the worst movies in Dutch history, tells the story of an avid Paalzitten practitioner training to break the fictional record of 250 days sitting on a pole since early childhood. He even fathers a baby while sitting on the pole, and proceeds to lose his love interest after refusing to cancel his participation in a Paalzitten competition to help her. He ultimately dies as an old man, sitting on a pole, obviously. In 2006, the film was nominated for two Golden Onions, in the categories Worst Film and Worst Director.

Where are those damn car keys?
But we've all done shit like that, haven't we?

I thought the young woman was coming to the old man's rescue, but no, she's a dumbass too.

Life is hard.
 Life is even harder when you ignore the warning signs.

Yeah, I almost missed that. 

Dude got so drunk at his wedding that his new mother-in-law had to feed him.

It is scary to think there are people stupid enough to fall for that crap. Then I read this:

I honestly don't know how current that information is, the point is that a large chunk of the American public believes in magic over proven science. That's scary.

Well, this looks like fun...
I once attended a baseball game where everyone was given a pair of these and between innings, an emcee came out an asked everyone to put them on.

 They even had people in the stands handing them out to anyone who needed them and prompting everyone's participation. Then pictures were taken for the Guinness Book of World Records.

There is a largely residential section of Columbia, SC. It's in town so there is no commute time and within reason, all the houses are the same size as are their lots. Almost all are brick of similar configuration. But this section is divided by a street named Rosewood. North of Rosewood (Shandon) the homes are about twice as expensive as similar homes south of Rosewood (Rosewood). I live south of Rosewood.
My neighbors are very eclectic, gay men and women, blacks people, retired people, single mothers, professionals, etc, etc. Well, mine is a pretty tight group with its own Facebook page. We even have our own bumper sticker that simply reads The Wood. 
Well, the guy who runs the Facebook page changed the name to Rosewood Riffraff and one of the residents came up with this.


Didn't find a dead body on my hike again today. This is starting to get frustrating.




1922 at the University of Toronto, the scientists went to a hospital ward with diabetic children, most of them comatose and dying from diabetic ketoacidosis. This is known as one of medicine's most incredible moments. Imagine a room full of parents sitting at the bedside waiting for the inevitable death of their child. The scientists went from bed-to-bed and injected the children with the new purified extract - insulin. As they began to inject the last comatose child, the first child injected began to awaken. Then one by one, all the children awoke from their diabetic comas. A room of death and gloom became a place of joy and hope. Thanks, Dr. Banting and Dr. Best! 

Old and forgotten words


Isostatic Rebound Golf Course
The Valley of the Eagles golf course in the small town of Haines, Alaska boasts an unusual feature. It’s currently a nine-hole course, but due to the geological phenomenon of isostatic (or post-glacial) rebound, in a few decades, it may be an 18-hole course.
Post-glacial rebound is the phenomenon of a landmass rising after the weight of a glacier has been removed from it. This is occurring in Haines, at a rate of about 0.9 inches per year, and because the golf course borders the water, it's steadily growing in size as it rises above sea level, exposing more land. The course has already doubled in size since the 1960s. 

That's a little easier to understand if you realize that the landmass is literally floating on molten rock.


Body from 500 BC with a full sleeve tattoo.

[verification needed]

 When the brain sees an image like that, it interprets depth relationships to perceive the square as being atop of the black disks – as a result, the inside of the square is perceived as being closer to your eyes than its surroundings, ultimately creating visual illusion that makes you think the area within the square is enlarged!

 Acknowledging the well-publicized atrocities of Nazi medicine, the author focuses instead on the party's systematic efforts to decrease the prevalence of cancer, especially through a campaign to ban smoking ("masturbation of the lungs"). 

A stork couple celebrating their first egg.
A happy dance if I've ever seen one. 

 Radiocarbon dating verified the fish’s age, making it the oldest age-validated freshwater fish ever taken.

Right when you think it can't get any worse...


My wife changed her perfume brand for the 1st time in 31 years. Now she smells like I'm having an affair.



An alert viewer saw this in the archives and found ferreted out the origin.



Fascinating street names...

If I ever had the opportunity to name a road this is what I would choose...


Okay, I get the cute little face, but what is that machine doing exactly? 



 This is a must-hear event.

If Alexa had an alternative attitude.

A couple of books you may have missed...








 You can't prove that he's not a chicken.
See where that kind of flawed logic will get you?






Anonymous said...

Thanks-this was one of your best.

Anonymous said...

Saw an art installation once (in a major museum) which consisted of an empty room and corridor in which the ceiling, floor, and walls were all mirrors. People lined up to walk through in paper slippers. Somehow I failed to anticipate that I and everyone else walking though would be looking up my then girlfriend's skirt in a near infinite number of directions. As (I think) did she.

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