About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 20, 2020




I mentioned that to my wife and she said that she's not bragging about her philanthropy but rather spreading awareness of the need. Leading by example if you will.












One of the things I learned in college was mechanisms for solving problems and accessing the viability of options. There are a whole bunch of you people who think your opinion is just as good as everyone else's despite the fact that some people have extensive expertise and that trumps your opinion every fucking time.



Bob Brooks, in one photo, represents the ignorant & hypocritical dysfunction of the United States of America.
 Those people are protesting what amounts to doctors' orders.
Think about that. 
 Meanwhile in the Russian Troll Factory
They played us like a fiddle in 2016 and it wouldn't surprise me that they have found a new way to separate Americans.

 You won't believe the scale of that protest.
I'm waiting for cable news channels to finally admit what is so obvious to me. 


A man whose sign read “COVID-19 is a lie” — even as he marched in a mask and a full-body protective suit.
 I think he was mocking the doctors.

But why did some Americans believe the Russian trolls?
But why would Trump do that?


But stupidity is not just an American problem:
 Bunch of morons having a "clapping party" on Westminster Bridge to show support for health workers.
How about showing support for health workers by staying the fuck at home and not being a covidiot? 



 How many governors and mayors have to beg for more tests before you stop believing Trump's lies he's been spouting for over a month?





I now know exactly how he feels.


It looks awkward but it probably works exceptionally well.

Cue the boys...













Social Separation Bench


*Cue the 'don't trust China' meme...



Set up a pet obstacle course...

Try to do this...
I may take some practice.

Doing the Kulikitaka Ti will scare the dogs...

 The Kulikitaka Ti will scare young children...

With Music:

 Whoa... He stole my best sex techniques.
With the sound of the announcers:

This music teacher writes a short beautiful song to express her feeling...
 Sound On:


Don't forget cardboard boxes...

Buy one of these tools and make a wooden bowl...

 Keep fucking with your pets...

Yeah, I do that.
Yesterday, a newsperson guy admitted having had to talk to a psychiatrist for the first time in his life. He just became overwhelmed with the present-day stresses. The doctor left him with this advice: It's okay not to be okay.
I thought about that a lot and realized that I had not allowed myself to even think about the scary part. I have been totally consumed with protecting my wife and I but not so much the worst-case scenario details. When it occurred to me that if I died my wife couldn't have friends and family come to comfort her and would have to face it all alone...I cried like a baby.
Stay safe, Gentle Reader.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the boxes...
When We moved into our current house with 3 young kids, we set up "box town" in part of the basement, with the boxes taped together to form tunnels and lookout towers. The kids, now in their 20's, still talk about how great it was. It stayed that way for nearly 3 years.

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