About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 29, 2020


God: And then let’s send in murder hornets
Angel: Wait, murder hornets? So they can’t go outside?
God: Not a big deal, they’re all quarantined because of Coronavirus
Angel: What if they end up allowed to go back outside?
God: Did you not just hear about the murder hornets?


Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen nowadays and they are all just so silly. Act like a fucking adult.

Get the facts here:
"A crowded indoor place, then, with poor ventilation, filled with people talking, shouting, or singing for hours on end will be the riskiest scenario. A sparsely populated indoor space with open windows is less risky (but not completely safe). Running quickly past another jogger outside is on the other end of the spectrum; minimal risk. (In other words, the problem is not density or proximity; the problem is a transmission of the virus, through the air, by human vocalization[2] (of which coughing and sneezing are a small, and symptomatic, subset."
This is a very interesting read:



You need to take care of your mental health also.
 I wish I could give you advice but all I can do is tell you what works for me. And I stay busy. I hardly ever am doing nothing. And, yes, I consider watching Netflix as being busy.


This is a terrible time to be a kidnapper.





[verification needed] 


How insightful.


When this quarantine is over, let’s not tell some people.



Many people are mimicking book covers...

And my favorite...

Many people have the time to cook very elaborate meals...

But don't forget the old favorites...


Make a short film. Email it to me and will share it with the world.

I find it interesting that he does that without shoes.

Guy spent his time in lockdown building a huge laughing Kookaburra. Here’s the result.
With sound:

Do this...
And let me know if it works. 
Did you notice that the middle position never moves?

Pull those old games from the top of the closet...


It's getting hot down here. It's been weeks since I have worn long pants or buttoned my shirt.
My wife fixed my recharging problem on my cart. It was the extension cord.
I've mentioned before that one of my novels was about a disease that killed 90% of the humans on Earth. I thought about the absolute most plausible reactions by the population and never...EVER imagined that there would be a large section of the people who just refused to believe that it exists. Who could have predicted that? Had I written it that way before 2020 people would have laughed at me? Now that is EXACTLY what I see daily. What is happening to our collective common sense? Go fucking figure.
Have you done anything clever lately? Send it to me cause I would love to post some personal stories. Pics if you can.
Stay safe and stay sane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Rubik’s cube starts solved and brings it back to solved. Not sure if that is any help in solving an unsolved cube.

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