About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 2, 2020






 I wouldn't be surprised.




The fact that its fake wasn't the point.
 The point was the absurdity.

 "President Donald Trump says the federal government’s coronavirus social distancing guidelines will be “fading out” when they expire on Thursday, counting on states taking charge as they move toward reopening." -AP News 


That is just showing the absurdly stupid things the average person is capable of.




The White House's reaction after every press conference...












"What's up blood?"

[verification needed]


If you don't fuck with the game, the game will fuck with you. 

I really like these...


I had a long talk with my doctor today. Her office is more or less closed except for emergencies so scheduled checkups are done with phone or Zoom. We couldn't get the Zoom to work, so phone. I told her about my best case circumstance (plenty of money; cars and house paid for; no kids at home; good friends and neighbors to shop for us; guaranteed pensions; and nothing we have to do) and she said I was indeed fortunate.
What was given to us as homegrown tomatoes were not homegrown and we were very disappointed in our BLTs. Tonight we ordered a giant salad for my wife and a fancy sub for me from my pizza place. We had the driver dump the salad in our bowl and after he opened my Styrofoam box I lifted my sandwich out and he toted off the containers.
The driver was my favorite gambling mate. I told him how much I missed betting on sports and he told me he had found out they are opening baseball up in Korea so he plans to gamble on Korean games.
I can't seem to wean myself from TV news. I find that being knowledgeable helps me deal with this dumpster fire. 
A really nice guy I know left my wife a Facebook post about we have been duped because this has all being faked just to take our freedoms and she unfriended him. I would have liked to ask him if he thought the NBA, NFL, MLB, the Olympics, Soccer, and every other sports organization had been duped? Walt Disney World was duped? How sadly misinformed. In one month this virus has claimed more lives than any other reason including auto accidents, heart disease, cancer, etc and that's WITH STAYTHEFUCKATHOME!!
Stay safe and stay informed.

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